Graphic Cards NVIDIA 9600GT released in india

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XFX has offically released the NVIDIA 9600GT in india with a price of Rs 13900.Man they have overpriced it better buy an 8800GT with price less than 13k.
so how they release two different cards in a same price segement... its ridiculous... even with no hastle one can easily reach 650/900 with a 88GT does nvidia really make dis G94 thing better than G92 if consider at a same clock speed we all know 96GT hav less SPU than 88GT G92
13k is ridiculous...shud come down by 1k each month and den finnaly settle at 10k something or even less considering they have to go against the 3850
ill sell its a good price the dollar price we see is of 1000 unit price for u wont get that price plus coming to india shipping ads..and still this guy sells for 10.2k its really an appreciable price when dealers quote 3-4k margin
if ny one has been observin d *600gt can easily say dat...d prices fall exponentially wit in b ready to get dis feeling dat " damn i shud ve waited a bit longer"....i wud recommend 8800gt g92 ova 9600gt ny time.
so would it now be wise (for someone looking at the Sub- 10K segment) to wait for a few months before making the purchase , since the 8800 prices might drop ?
prices confirmed for the 9600GT @ Prime ABGB mumbai though he says he only has the MSI brand ....he said even he was perplexed to see both the 8800GT as well as the 9600GT price this close
It's a dumb pricing if you ask me.Makes no sense in pricing it above 8800GT.If 8800GT price falls a bit more than this card is done for from XFX atleast.:bleh:
^^ Phoenix is selling the MSI model for 10k at TE... why are te other dealers quoting such high rates ?

When will the US prices and Indian prices converge, they nearly have converged for most of the other computer components.. !!
Aces170 said:
^^ Phoenix is selling the MSI model for 10k at TE... why are te other dealers quoting such high rates ?
When will the US prices and Indian prices converge, they nearly have converged for most of the other computer components.. !!

Heh he.. Tha's Phoenix..

The scenario is gona change wen he starts selling evga stuff.. :ohyeah:
wow! a value brand called xfx in us is a premium brand in india .:S

what a joke ..

@PhOeNiX- continue ur good work buddy ...bring evga stuff as soon as possible ..
Supra said:
XFX is now where a value brand. Check pricing even in US....usually even eVGA is cheaper than them :P

when they started their operations in us .. they were indeed value brand as far as i can remember ..;)
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