Nvidia CUDA

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Has anyone here worked on CUDA. I have a Nvidia GPU and was thinking of leaning CUDA (C side of things not python). If anyone has worked on it and know any good sources do share some.

I have scant experience in cuda - mostly in OpenCL and OpenGL/Vulkan/DX12 compute shaders
Hey I have absolutely zero experience. I have only done basic malloc etc. I do have decent embedded experience. Do share some references/tutorials on getting started. Couldn't find any resources on CUDA (C).
Is there a reason why you want to focus on cuda? Why not try OpenCL instead, assuming it's reasonable support on nvidia?
Hey I have absolutely zero experience. I have only done basic malloc etc. I do have decent embedded experience. Do share some references/tutorials on getting started. Couldn't find any resources on CUDA (C).
Please check the official cuda SDK samples. They are enough to get you started.

You need to be able to understand basics of parallel programming and GPU kernels to get into it.
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