Observations: install xp from a usb drive


things you need :
1. usb drive
2. software - 'win setup from usb'
3. xp setup cd
4. computer

how to:
1. copy xp setup to 'for eg: e:\winxp'
2. download install and run 'win setup from usb'
3. follow the onscreen instructions

i installed xp in 20 mins

issues faced when:
installing drivers from the motherboard cd and installing microsoft office
instead of doing so much jhanjhat y not do it the default way- cd/dvd drive. :bleh: :hap2:
2-5 mins wont make a difference and moreoever u can use it further-hassle free! :clap:
ronit said:
instead of doing so much jhanjhat y not do it the default way- cd/dvd drive. :bleh: :hap2:
2-5 mins wont make a difference and moreoever u can use it further-hassle free! :clap:
i cant write any cd/ dvd on my sony writer :|
Except it bluescreens on boot. Cheers.

Steps. Mount bootable wxpinstall disc image. (when burnt, works perfectly) Image built with nlite to make unattended install. (5$ says you blame nlite)

Copied contents to folder (G:\xpusbtest).

Ran winsetuptousb, selected folder.

Processed (which took it's sweet time)

Boot, enetered setup, got through the first part where it loads files into ram for the install or whatever, and that happened VERY quickly, like, "broken" quickly.

Anywho, one it completes that it says entering setup for about 45 seconds and them bluescreens.

rinse lather repeat
I'm not 100% positive, but I think you can use a program like Acronis (or free...Gparted) and just copy the whole cd as a partition to your usb drive.
PiXeLpUsHeR said:
I'm not 100% positive, but I think you can use a program like Acronis (or free...Gparted) and just copy the whole cd as a partition to your usb drive.

that doesnt work..
u need BartPE for this process to be done.
wid BartPE it bcomes like ubuntu... 1st boot in to very basic XP like OS...n then start installation in graphic mode ;)