OC'ing AMD Athlon XP 1500+

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Guys pls help.
My processor is an damn old amd athlon xp @1.35ghz.
I cannot oc using bios as my compis prebuilt and the settings are locked and wont apply even if i change.
Please recommend asafe and effective way to oc this GRANNY.

SORRY NOT SPACING PROPERLY,hope you get what i tried to mean out of it.!
open the cabinet and you will see a battery on the motherboard.

replace that battery.

it will make sure the settings are retained and it will also clear the supervisor password which might be one of the reasons for settings not being saved.
SysTool - System Tweaking and Overclocking Utility

I dunno if this still works, but I was using it for my AXP and nF2 boards.

Speedfan has a clock generator utility if your board is supported. It can be used to increase the FSB from within Windows.

With the AXPs you're stuck to BIOS overclocking only, and you should not do it without good aftermarket cooling. Those CPUs ran hot, and they were bare die. Very problematic to OC correctly, IIRC.

For access to multis one required to perform a pin mod on the top of the package with some bridges, we would do it with a pencil or conductive ink. Depending on when your CPU was made you may have unlocked multipliers, but to change those you 'have' to be in BIOS.

There's a bunch of tools meant for FSB increase that were made back in the day, but I think you're running a little late. Most of those are now offline.
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