Offtopic Discussion Thread!!

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@OP: The world should be mighty small if the curve of the earth would be visible from the top of a 850m tall structure.. :P The photo was taken with a wide-angle (fish-eye) lens, in all probability.
The curvature of the earth is not visible even when at 35000 feet in an aeroplane let alone at 850m on top of a building :P.

That is just geometric distortion from a fisheye.
Forget the pic guys...

i meant this thread for posts like

"im back from college...

took a bath...


and stuff
Gannu said:
Eh! You didn't have to delete that pic! :/


even i knew its stupid(the pic)...

people keep posting pics like those on facebook and bug me..

so wanted to bug u guys here :p
When i was young .... I feel feel like there is a song .
When i was a kid i felt being a truck driver is so cool.
Then i felt being a hacker is cool. :P
Say a film had 45 characters in it. If one scene had just 3 characters in it (like when the villain bugs our anorexic heroine and our chubby hero comes to save the day), i thought the remaining 42 characters would just sit around watching the crap director shouting at the blind cameraman. I also was of the impression that they would shoot all the scenes from the starting to end in the same sequence. :ashamed:
From the sets of Expendables 2.


Arnie is back baby! :D
Bunking college is real fun, until your lecturer catches you online on fb and says " I can see you!!!! "

the fastest i have ever had maggi ready was in 4min 32 sec ! And that was after i cheated :P
^ i got only that one, and nothing else.

guys came across some wonderful acronyms of well known companies, so sharing time....

NIIT - Not Interested in IT

WIPRO - Weak Input, Poor and Rubbish Output

HCL - Hidden Cost and Losses

TCS - Totally Confusing Solution

HUGHES - Highly Useless Graduates Hired for Eating and Sleeping

IBM - Implicitly Boring Machine

C-DOT - Coffee During Office Timings

CMC - Coffee, Meals and Comfort

ORACLE - Online Romance And Chatting with Lady Employee
hey guys,
Just saw this as a share by a friend at FB
dont know if its a valid fear or not?
Important Information :

A 21 year old guy had worn a pair of contact lenses during a barbecue party.(An event or meal at which food is cooked outdoors over an open grill or fire)
While barbecuing he stared at the fire charcoals continuously for 2-3 minutes.
After a few minutes, he started to scream for help and moved rapidly, jumping up and down.
No one in the party knew why he was doing this?

Then he admitted into the Hospital, the doctor said he'll be blind permanently because of the contact lenses that he had worn.
Contact lenses are made by plastics, and the heat from the charcoal melted
his contact lenses.


Friends if u feel the information is important, Please pass this message to
All your near & dear ones.

Tell me what do you think Hoax or not?
avinashwarrier said:
hey guys,

Just saw this as a share by a friend at FB

dont know if its a valid fear or not?

Tell me what do you think Hoax or not?


the same message was posted by 10-12 of my friends today

this a norm with Facebook these days

share a disgusting photo along with a health advisory..

a dead fetus - that one was nasty "save the girl child"

a "post-mortum" of a smoker

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