oil cooling

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Oil is non conductor of electricity. Probably the oil around the CPU would be much hotter. So CPU might not get adequately cool. Though when compared with the air oil may be a better conductor of heat but the oil won't just flow and allow a new flow of cool oil as we have in air cooling. So the heat transfer may be a problem. Secondly wouldn't there be a problem when you would like to add something. The contacts would all be in oil. Won't it be a problem?
I'm guessing you're suggesting immersing the motherboard/CPU in a tank of oil ? Well the idea is alright and as you mentioned - oil is a better conductor of heat than air. Though there is no entry of cool oil and exit of hot oil as we have in airflow - there's "convection" which takes the hot oil to the top where it can be cooled, and once it cools it settles down where it is warmed and sent to the top again.
The concept is not new as it is already used in heavy electrical gear - especially high rating transformers. However there could possibly be a couple of setbacks with respect to motherboard components that I havent thought of :)
hmmm...bu it'll be tough circulating the oil na?? bcoz of its high viscosity....
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