Okay Google Now make me a sandwich.

So after almost 1 month what are your views about Moto X? Is the voice assistance for X really as good as they show it in the ads? I am looking to go for X over N5 just for the little features this device offers like active display, voice control and moto assist.
So after almost 1 month what are your views about Moto X? Is the voice assistance for X really as good as they show it in the ads? I am looking to go for X over N5 just for the little features this device offers like active display, voice control and moto assist.

It is. I thought it'd just be a gimmick but I find myself using it all the time for one particular reason - The charging cable bundled with the phone is rather short and the nearest power outlet when I'm at my desk is out of arms reach. So I'd be using my computer and a quick "Okay Google Now... What's up?" reads my notifications / messages out aloud. I also call people like this and it picks up Indian names relatively well. With an option to automatically enable speaker phone when spoken to, it's truly hands free. I'm told I sound pretty neutral with a slight hint of a Canadian accent as a result of living there but from the videos I've seen, it doesn't seem to have a problem picking up thick Indian accents either. My room can get rather messy at times and I often lose my phone under the sheets or clothes - "Okay Google Now... Find my phone" is a godsend in these situations. No more running to the land line to dial your mobile number. I also set a lot of alarms at night with Touchless Control when the phone is charging away from my bed. I'd use it to text, but I can't seem to find a way to use it with Whatsapp, only SMS which I hardly use.

That being said, I've had a few issues when I tried messing around with Touchless Control and retraining the device to respond to "OK Google" instead of "OK Google Now". It worked fine for a while but eventually I had too many false positives. It'd activate on hearing the TV. They key to proper Touchless Control efficiency is to train the device properly and stick to "OK Google Now" as they recommend.

Active Display... well, it's a game changer. I don't wear a watch, so it's extremely handy to quickly pull the phone out of my pocket to check the time. It's also really good to preview your notifications, of course. I've used ACDisplay on my N4 and while it was very good for what it is, it doesn't really match up in the end.

Then there's Moto Assist, probably the most thoughtful feature in the Moto X. If you drive around a lot (alone in your car), it's absolutely fantastic. I don't think there's any other device which automatically recognizes that you're driving and switches to complete hands free operation. You'd probably need root and Tasker to get similar functionality in other phones.

Coming to the other areas of the phone, the build quality and ergonomics are excellent. The almost universal praise for the form factor is well deserved. Pocketnow's Michael Fisher put it rightly when he said it feels like a well worn bar of soap in hand. I wasn't a fan of the way the phone looked in pictures and videos but up close it's very striking. I think it looks great. UI performance is very impressive with hardly any hiccups anywhere unless there's something strange running in the background. The battery life isn't great compared to the Moto G or an LG G2 but I consistently get over 4 to 5 hours of screen time which I find acceptable. I can't really speak about the camera because I haven't used it for any serious photography.

I wanted to pick up an N5 initially, but when I thought about it, it had the same problems my N4 did (for my usage) - The battery is pretty bad and it's too big for comfortable one handed operation. The Snapdragon 800 processor is blazing fast, but I hardly use all that horsepower. Every game I've tried on the Moto X ran fine and in daily usage, it really isn't that much slower than the N5. Stock Android and timely updates were a big selling point for me, but for once I feel like an OEM has improved Stock Android with some excellent features which I use on a daily basis, not merely gimmicks like some of the things found in Samsung phones. And so far, Motorola has been quick with the software updates. The Moto X got KitKat before the Nexus 4, for instance... something that was previously unheard of.

I used to be a flashoholic earlier. XDA was almost like my homepage but after I got the Moto X, I haven't even bothered to root it. I've also lost interest in the latest flagships because this just works that well for me. If I upgrade in the future, it'll probably be to a Moto X successor.

P.S - The Moto X is the first device that my iPhone using friends are genuinely impressed with.

Check these comparisons if you're having trouble deciding. You can't really go wrong with either.

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^Thanks for the detailed response ashrr

You're welcome. Let us all know if you decide to pick up a Moto X :) Although, at this point, it might also make sense to wait for the Moto X+1 which is confirmed to arrive late this summer.
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@ashrr That was a very good write up and a friend having Moto X is also saying the same things.

But that review is very biased towards the Moto x. I have multiple reviews but that is just plain biased.
You're welcome. Let us all know if you decide to pick up a Moto X :) Although, at this point, it might also make sense to wait for the Moto X+1 which is confirmed to arrive late this summer.
X+1 still seems more of a rumormill info but yeah I can wait for a month or two else will get the X.
^^If the rumor about the X+1 having a 5.2 inch display is true, then it will lose its form factor advantage.

Never heard of that rumour. I don't think they'd do that though - the selling point of the X line was its ease of one handed use.

@ashrr That was a very good write up and a friend having Moto X is also saying the same things.

But that review is very biased towards the Moto x. I have multiple reviews but that is just plain biased.

Which review are you talking about? I felt both the videos were pretty fair in stating that it came down to personal preference.

X+1 still seems more of a rumormill info but yeah I can wait for a month or two else will get the X.

Nope, the X+1 was confirmed by Motorola on twitter and also "leaked" on their own site for a few hours. It's definitely coming and with true leather back options. We just don't know anything else at this point.

AAAAAND here's the bad news :( Took my Moto X to the mountains for weekend and dropped it on concrete. The screen and sides are noticeably scratched. However, I'm surprised it didn't shatter completely. The phone even continued to slide on gravel for a good few seconds before it stopped.