OLD IS GOLD showcase

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Hi peeps. Had this in mind for a while.
A thread where people can post their most priced possessions that they held onto for years.
Let me start off with my most precious and loved possession.
Its my first camera.
Nikkon FM10. Got it as a present from my aunt in 1995 on my birthday.
I still use it more than my digital camera.
Fully manual , SLR camera. Similar to most classic 80s and 70s cameras.
Do post yours :)
well yeah its over 10-11 years old.

You need to maintain that. And when it comes to SLR, you maintain it or it gets screwed. Very delicate piece of equipment with retractable mirror and prism inside.

Whole thing is mechanical. No electronic parts at all exception of a punny LED light meter thats there.
My brother has same camera bought in 93-94 AFAIR (he is got it from japan with many other goodies ) ....... i always tried to use that camera but it confuses me too much lol ....... so i was better off with my dad's fully automatic ....... but its a hell of a camera ....... my bro also keep it very carefully and never let anyone touch it (other than me :D ) ........
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