Omnia 7 speaker dead

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Just got an Omnia 7 from a member here in the forums today and while i was on a call and turned on the speakers,it went kaput.....complete silence.Now,don't know what to do.

Someone plz help....would a complete reset help? :(:(:(:(:(:(


It seems like a output hardware problem. Contact the original owner of the phone and ask whether he faced similar issues before.
RedBull said:
Just got an Omnia 7 from a member here in the forums today and while i was on a call and turned on the speakers,it went kaput.....complete silence.Now,don't know what to do.

Someone plz help....would a complete reset help? :(:(:(:(:(:(


IMHO, Hardware issue won't be solved by software reset:(
Cud u check out the software version and revert back? Ud have been caused if the phone was flashed with the corrupted firmware
Here are the details bro:

OS Version: 7.0.7004.0

Firmware Revision No:0222.10.10.6

Hardware revision No:

Radio Software Version:2424.10.10.6

Radio Hardware Version:

Bootloader Version:

Chip SOC Version:
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