PC Peripherals On/Off switch light keeps blinking

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Hi guys my monitor recently started giving me this problem where the On/Off switch is blinking, I mean the light on the switch keeps blinking and the monitor does not start up. I am able to use it because, I don't know how to open the monitor. Can you tell me how do I resolve this problem as I am going to sell this monitor and I want to sell it as a fully functional monitor. Help me.


Can you tell me what the window in the second image says?

Probably the capacitors are burnt out. I had a same problem on my samsung LCD. Serviced it at around 500 bucks by the samsung guy who came home.
Hey, i too had this problem with my monitor. The monitor keeps getting ON/OFF randomly and also i was not able to adjust the monitor setting using those buttons(micro-switch). Turned out that the micro-switches were the culprit. So, i got replaced all the 5 micro switches and now it works fine.

I took it to nearby TV repair shop and he opened the monitor front panel, removed the old micro switch and installed new one. He charged me total Rs. 150/-.
Rs. 100 as service charges and Rs.50 for the cost of 5 micro switches.

In my case, the monitor just goes OFF at random while working and after some time, it displays the picture.
So, if in your case, its working fine for some time but goes blank after some time, then its definitely the micro switches. But if its not able to display your desktop, then that might be some other issue.
Okay so it seems the problem is internal, btw the pictures which were previously posted were outdated, now after this on/off problem my lcd does not show anything just keeps blinking. Anyway, I think I will just put it up for sale now. Thanks for the help. BTW I have updated the pics.
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