One reader to rule them all!

^ Firstly, a good decision to not give in to the temptation and pick up the iToy. :p

PDF Support: pdf support is not bad at all. If it is a novel or manual, it breaks a single pdf page into 2-3 nook page turns depending on the font size. And it does that remarkably well. I loaded a 660 page SQL manual and it was very much readable. If you try to load a pdf full of scanned images, like a comic, then it is a big fail. So, basically for reading, it does a damn good job.

ePub: ePub support is as good as it gets. It's actually flawless. I'm a sucker for old classics ( Arthur Conan Doyle, Jules Verne, Edgar Rice Burroughs.. you get my drift ) and the Gutenberg project has all these and more.. free.. legally!

And the size! One of the novels from Tarzan series and one Sherlock Holmes were just 46kb and 55kb in size! :O

I even downloaded some novels from recent authors ( Clive Cussler, Tom Clancy etc ) and they run just fine.

Battery life: With an approx 70% charge, it lasted me 3 huge novels ( 4-5 days) and there was still some battery left. The Wi-Fi was off all this time though. :)
Hey Sei congrats for the purchase....... Hope you are enjoying the books well.

I have a few questions in mind. I am confused between getting this and Sony PRS 600. A review for the latter is here:
Sony Reader Touch Edition Review, PRS-600 - eBook Reader Reviews by Mobile Tech Review

Now, the differences between sony and nook:

1) Sony does not have wireless, nook does.
2) Pan, zoom, note taking, annotating etc. present on sony and not on nook.
3) Sony has glare, nook does not.

My question is how does this wireless thing work? Does it work on cellular signals or it requires a wi-fi hotspot? If it requires a hotspot, then that requires a router at home, if I am not wrong, correct?
atiamd said:
Now, the differences between sony and nook:

1) Sony does not have wireless, nook does.

2) Pan, zoom, note taking, annotating etc. present on sony and not on nook.

3) Sony has glare, nook does not.

My question is how does this wireless thing work? Does it work on cellular signals or it requires a wi-fi hotspot? If it requires a hotspot, then that requires a router at home, if I am not wrong, correct?
1) Thats a good thing, right?

2) Depends on how much you need them.

3) Are you talking about glare on the screen? that would mostly be considered a bad thing.. especially for reading, given the reflections it would generate.

and yes, unless you get a reader with 3G functionality, you would need a wi-fi hotspot to access the internet.. which would in turn require a router.
atiamd said:
Hey Sei congrats for the purchase....... Hope you are enjoying the books well.

I have a few questions in mind. I am confused between getting this and Sony PRS 600. A review for the latter is here:

Sony Reader Touch Edition Review, PRS-600 - eBook Reader Reviews by Mobile Tech Review

Now, the differences between sony and nook:

1) Sony does not have wireless, nook does.

2) Pan, zoom, note taking, annotating etc. present on sony and not on nook.

3) Sony has glare, nook does not.

My question is how does this wireless thing work? Does it work on cellular signals or it requires a wi-fi hotspot? If it requires a hotspot, then that requires a router at home, if I am not wrong, correct?
Thanks! Yes, I'm enjoying my books. I'm working my way through the Clive Cussler's collection. Read 4 novels. Damn good stuff. Read some Edgar Rice Burroughs and Sherlock Holmes too.

Stalker has more or less answered your queries. I'll elaborate a bit.

Now, the differences between sony and nook:

1) Sony does not have wireless, nook does.

---> Nook having wireless has 3 advantages. You can browse the web. You can browse the B&N store. You can setup a "content server" in Calibre ( free ebook management software ) so that you download books directly from there.

2) Pan, zoom, note taking, annotating etc. present on sony and not on nook.

--->Actually this is a bit debated. With the pan and zoom feature, most people have complained that it is impossible to properly read a pdf by continously zooming in and out. Nook solves this issue by breaking the pdf page into 2-3 nook page turns depending on the font size. So, there is perfect readability.

3) Sony has glare, nook does not.

--->That's true. Nook's screen has absolutely no glare at all. Even in direct sunlight. The screen is a pleasure. Everyone's reported the Sony model to have glare.

My question is how does this wireless thing work? Does it work on cellular signals or it requires a wi-fi hotspot? If it requires a hotspot, then that requires a router at home, if I am not wrong, correct?

Nook has 2 models. Wi-fi and Wi-Fi + 3G. But 3G only means AT&T 3G in the U.S. So, that implies no cellular connectivity for us in India. Wi-Fi, as you correctly guessed requires a router. Which I have :p
Hey thanks for replying Sei and Stalker. ... Yeah, when I mentioned the differences, I mentioned both +ve as weel as -ve. Nook wins this round for sure..

Now, can any of you suggest me a website in US or even in India where I can get it from. I have my girl friend coming to India from US this October. I will ask her to bring it. I looked at newegg but could not find the nook.. Please let me know of website(s) both in US and in India. If the price difference is not too much, the I might buy it right now. Which brings me to another point. Can you claim warranty on your nook Sei?
^ Tell her to get it from the B&N's store itself. Get a night light and a cover as well. Don't want to damage it do you?

I've not really inquired regarding the warranty. Worst situation, I'll send it to my friend or my uncle and let them handle it. Then they'll courier it back to me. Will be pretty expensive, but that's the price we have to pay for importing stuff. :)

I thinking of buying a Nook soon,

Could tell me the following things .

1.Can i upload any books from PC to Nook,like some downloaded manuals in PDF format .i.e from PC to Nook.Or i will have to download everything online.

2.Is the 3G one good enough in India,i mean will i be getting coverage here or how does it work ?

3.Abt the light,online review says that it drains down easily and not worth.Whats ur say and what batteries does it use ?

Please reply soon,a friend of mine is going to come in 2 weeks ,seriously thinkin of gettin either Nook or Kindle.
1) Yes, you can. Any book in pdf or any other supported format works on nook.
2) 3G is not available in India for nook. Its only available in US thru AT&T. If you want a reader with 3g capabilities that work in India, Kindle is your only choice. Even then I will suggest you to go to kindle site and check whether the service covers your area. 3g is free. Amazon pays for it.
3) Sei will be able to answer this. All I can say is that the light bought from nook website is charged thru USB. SO it does not need any batteries.

Also, 2 of your questions have already been answered 3 or 4 posts above. :). Please go thru the entire thread for your own benefit.
Only the last question needs clarification. The light I bought is not charged via USB. It is powered by a cell, similar to one used for our CMOS battery. And I've not used it that frequently, since I prefer to use the Nook with the lights on in my room :)

I'm pretty sure it will last the random reading sessions without any issue for quite some time.