Online shopping

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Hi everyone,

I am bit confused there are lots of websites where we can find gadgets with discounts. But i want to know which websites are reliable in terms of service, money security, safety, warranty etc..??? I have come across sites like GreenDust, Ebay, Zaazle.. a lot more. Please enlighten me.
Flipkart and Ebay are the best . You can trust them .

Letsbuy and india plaza and few others are good but they can have delays .

Ask around search around and it depends on what you want to buy . ;)
xtremevicky said:
Flipkart and Ebay are the best . You can trust them .

Letsbuy and india plaza and few others are good but they can have delays .

Ask around search around and it depends on what you want to buy . ;)

for ebay be careful with the sellers feedback before buying, a power seller with positive feedback is the safest.
Ok thank you... guys.. for suggestion... If there are other websites with hot deals but which are safe.. let me know
deals and you is another one but its not very reliable , many people from my office order stuff from there and only 1 negative case so far but thats the most dangerous one , he is waiting for his cell which he did payment from 2 months :/.
Other reasonably reliable sites are Infibeam, buytheprice and to a lesser extent koovs and taggle (take a lot of time to ship your product).

OP, stay away from greendust, they are one of the worst out there.
flipkart, letsbuy, ebay, indiaplaza (previously fabmart)...these are all trusted sites. You ideally shouldnt have any issues with them. With ebay though do enough searching before buying, not all sellers are reliable. Usually the power sellers are but there can be exceptions. One more thing you might have to take into account is octroi. Almost all ebay sellers quote their prices without octroi, so if you live in mumbai add the octroi to the quoted price to see if the price is still fair or not. Filpkart & letsbuy includes octroi (if applicable) in their prices by default.
Why don't we make this a sticky and update the pros and cons (in general) for each of the websites and keep adding them also so we can see all one place... That is only if the OP is ok with regularly updating this thread

Just my idea (If there is some other thread like that then I am sorry - could you do me a favor and point me towards the same)
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