Opera 12.00 Alpha coming with HW Acceleration - Released!!

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i m using opera with IE in my pc from long time but it has lot of compatibility issue . now i m planing to move to firefox .
Such a sad day that Opera had to give in. Definitely the beginning of the end, for a wonderful and woefully under-recgonised company.
Beginning of the end? Why?
I'm sure once compatibility and performance improves people will see the benefits of Opera. Like the fantastic integrated speed dial and mail client, great tab management, responsiveness with lots of tabs open, the nice password manager etc.
I dont think it will be as responsive any more. Webkit is quite bloated. For current users, the rendering engine is probably a big draw. For potential users, I dont think the feature set is a big draw. I hope Im wrong and Opera makes it through the transition.

Theres very little information on what features will be retained. Dragonfly is already kaput. I dont think content blocker will work the same way. I hope they can retain the unique tab management (including the nicest implementation of pr0n mode) and M2. Whats going to happen to their HWA engine and their software renderer? Lots of questions - hope we can get some answers soon.
I am wary of this Webkit powered Opera. Really need to see how it impacts the current experience as my experience with Chrome and Safari hasn't really been smooth.
The recent versions of opera have been slow in loading websites. I got frustated and removed the same. I did not the reasons but maybe it is because of the move to Webkit.
Yes, Im on the 16 Next release. Zero Opera-specific features and sluggish Chrome-like performance. Obviously better site compatibility though. If you can live with 12.16, continue to.
Well I have finally decided to move on from Opera 12.17. Even techenclave doesn't work well on it. I am moving on to Vivaldi. Vivaldi and Opera both use Chromium but Vivaldi is closer to what Opera 12.17 was then the current Opera. May be that stems from the fact that former co founder and CEO at Opera is behind this browser.

You may argue that Opera switched focus to mobile but on mobile I now use Chrome way more than Opera Mini.

Farewell Opera you'll be missed. I wish it could have kept up with the others.
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