orkut or hi5

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You have to be careful which communities you are a member of. I heard of a girl who joined some rather "hot" community. Nothing naughty or vulgar, just rather hot. She was swamped with friend requests!
And the "Mutual Friends" list makes for interesting viewing.. peeps whom you know separately, might know each other too! :O

(But I think some people do have a problem with that.. :| )
Crazy_Eddy said:
So thats how Vince gets all his gals! :ohyeah:

Let he who hath not sinned cast the first stone :tongue:
skylark said:
^^ LOL.. there have been worst than tht! really.. u come across such weirdos! they r hard to find in real life!:lol:
and tht specially happens when u have a girly display pic! i have put up a pic of a skull now which brings me a total relief frm those "friandship" requests!!!;)
there was this guy who scrapped me "hey! can i hold pride to call myself as ur frnd".. FOOL! NO.. u may not!

have you ever heard about the term called "Sex ratio" :P ..which is quite bad in this country :no:
^^ well the despo to decent males ratio is equally bad on orkut ;)

And Mr.Digital Brain, i do remember you asking for "friandship" with a girl i know ;)
digital_brain said:
have you ever heard about the term called "Sex ratio" :P ..which is quite bad in this country :no:

:rofl: ]

You gotta be kidding me !! the sex ratio in our country overall is quite decent. Not as bad as it is made out to be.

And anyway most of the discrepancies are in the rural areas and you can be sure 90% of them dont have computers and dont know abt Orkut.....

And what Vince says is true..... the despo to decent males ratio is quite bad on orkut..... There are some people whose sole aim is to increase their "friends"

I dont accept friend requests from guys I dont know......

And it is worse for girls who have put up their snaps.....
hi5 used to be kewl b4.. got so many friends from there. ... lol. dont visit it a lot now days.. actually havent seen it for ages now!!

orkut aint that good either.. just for tp purposes.. but yes. i did find a lot of my school friends there..

i also used zorpia.. and had a hell lot of friends from there too.but in that of that i only got 2 good friends..but its ok .. good friends is what matters more!

btw when my friend was going to thailand.. he made a lot of friends .. from there through hi5.. some really hot chics... ****er ... but all he did was meet and the usall hi/hello.. sheeesh. .salla.. mereko leke jata toh kuch yaadgar pal hote mere saath abhi.. :rofl:
:rofl: I even remember skylark getting a friend request from someone sayin...Will u b my friend plz plz :P n do let me know ur name..

Ya coz that person was 2 blind 2 read her name on her profile....:rofl:
ok ..does my profile look gay from any angle .. one guy called Rajesh raj asked me for frndship writing something like 'will u be my friend ..i am here to send the God's messege of love etc ..' .. :P :rofl:
digital_brain said:
u sure have ;)
who dont wanna make frndshp with hot chicks anyway :P :bleh:

i dont think i have... but when that hot chick i know comes and asks me what kinda person is digital_brain... WTH should i tell her? :|

And i think our muttster has also had problems with gay requests :rofl:
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