OS X leopard install on PC ?

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kuduku said:
if you are getting waiting for root device error

try installing on usb hdd then clone on your main hdd

this is the easiest option for this error

i am also not a hackintosh guru but will try to be of max help

just post here or pm me

Thank you very much for the tip. I'll keep that in mind. Will let you know how it goes. Also, thank you very much for your offer to help. It is much appreciated. :)
kuduku said:
if you are getting waiting for root device error

try installing on usb hdd then clone on your main hdd

this is the easiest option for this error

i am also not a hackintosh guru but will try to be of max help

just post here or pm me


tried installing and install completes fine but, during boot I get garbled graphics on my screen and nothing happens further. System keeps accessing the HDD and DVD-Writer

My System Config is as follows:

AMD Athlon64 3200+ Single Core

Transcend 4 GB DDR2-800 Mhz RAM

Asus M2N8-VMX Mobo (click the link to see tech specs)

Hitachi 160 GB SATA HDD

Microsoft PS/2 Mouse + Keyboard

The options selected while installing iPC are as follows:

Kernels - 9.5.0 Voodoo Kernel

Drivers are as follows:

Video -> NVIDIA -> NVinject 0.2.1 256 MB VRAM (as I have allocated 256 MB in the BIOS)

Chipset -> AppleNForceATA nForce Drivers (couldn't find a specific MCP61S driver)

Audio -> ALCXXX -> ALC883

Ethernet -> Attansic L1 Ethernet

Power Management -> VoodooPower (seemed the most proper match)

Fixes and Patches (these are selected after referring a few blogs)

-> SATA Drive Icon Fix (New)

-> Shutdown/Restart Fix

-> USB Mount Fix

-> PS/2 Keyboard Fix

-> AppleSMBIOS ToH

Am i doing something wrong.

nVidia Chipset is GeForce 6100 + nForce 405

For more detailed system specs click on the mobo link above.

Please help! :(
your specific mobo install configuration can be checked at insanelymacdotcom

it is the bible for all hackintosh fans

my exact config will not be installable on your config

dont install any extra drivers

except the one you are confirmed that are of your config

till you are able to boot dont install LAN drivers also

the bare minimum the better

register at insanelymac if you havent and use this link


see if helps

otherwise check ipc amd threads here
kuduku said:
your specific mobo install configuration can be checked at insanelymacdotcom

it is the bible for all hackintosh fans

my exact config will not be installable on your config

dont install any extra drivers

except the one you are confirmed that are of your config

till you are able to boot dont install LAN drivers also

the bare minimum the better

register at insanelymac if you havent and use this link

Search Results

see if helps

otherwise check ipc amd threads here

No extra drivers installed. NVinject caused garbled screen patterns which NVdarwin does not. Is the NForce driver selected correct for MCP61S (nForce 405)?

I'll try without the LAN drivers. I see in -v mode that it gets stuck there.

Also, have the Fixes and Patches selected by me correct?

Hmm... Tried without installing Attansic L1 Ethernet Driver.

Now it gets stuck at the following line and HDD Red LED light is glowing (implying HDD Activity):

AppleNForceATA: :free( 0x6fd4600 )

OK Guys! I understand that I have to Patch my PPF5 iPC Download. Can someone let me know how to patch iPC ISO Files?
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