^Roughly 5.3k IINM (give or take a couple of 100 bucks!). Supposedly the Gigabyte G31 of the AMD 790GX boards - VFM, rock solid stability, ability to unlock the 4th core on the PII X3 720, OCs without a hitch!
i am a new member of this community. I want to ask you from which shop in chandni, kolkata u bought phenom ii x2 550 be and biostar 790gx 128 mb motherboard and at what prices ? plus another question : how is the stock cooler which comes with the processor in default works ? can u upload some pics of the stock cooler... pls. and whther the processor comes with any thermal paste ? plus can i get the seagate 7200.12 1 tb internal hardisk from there and at what prices ? if u know that. plus do shops in chandni keep ocz rams ? like i want to buy this ram kit ... link given below and at what approximate prices... Theitdepot - OCZ Titanium CL4 Edition 2 GB DDR2 Ram (OCZ2T800C42G)
Any info will be highly acknowleged.... thnx bye.
I currently have the Biostar TA785GE 128M and a AMD Phenom ii X2
I am just learning to OC and I've just been reading around. So far I was able to open the other two cores and bring it up a notch. I only brought it that high because i have the Fan that came with it. With the current set up the CPU doesnt go higher than 40-50 deg celc. (stress) I have a cooler master and another fan blowing at the cpu.
I have it on auto overclock though... cause i dont know all the values to change to overclock like you.