OC & Modding Overclocking Championship in India?

@ KIDO, what you are saying about no 2 chip being same atleast in OC department is true. But then its a "competition" and you "compete" with others with whatever set of hardware & list of rules are given... you see rules are rules.. if anyone dont like that, I suggest they better sit @ home or try to organize a Competition on their own and be the Champion (offcourse alone). :bleh:
About limiting speed @ XXXX (again)??? I say its not a Bike or CAR and "NO" it wont give a better milage if you limit the speeds. On a serious note, Why not push yourself and your "skills & optimizations" to reach for MAX with given hardware and then running a set of benchmarks [depending on organizers and with complying to rules] and not just "one" benchmark ;)
Also whats this about switching to new/diff chips and all... if you cant perform and prove on that day, you lose, simple. Its always has been about that "one" chance to perform better then others... and I have been to few OC compys to know that hardware behaves in its own way no matter who you are on that day?? Dats all for now...
BTW, when I said "same" hardware I meant MASKY SIR suggesting Intel G31 boards and other stuff :bleh:
Masky Sir- lets have an OCing championship with G31 and stuff. :eek:hyeah:
XT can be the chief guest. :lol:

Also lets have a max fps competition- 'Who can run Crysis on onboard gfx pwns all!!'. :rofl:
Why talk about E6600 when we are in the era of Q6600 G0 and beyond?? :p

And i thought K1D0man loved F1 at one time. :lol:

Its called an 'Example.'

Harshal said:
@ KIDO, what you are saying about no 2 chip being same atleast in OC department is true. But then its a "competition" and you "compete" with others with whatever set of hardware & list of rules are given... you see rules are rules.. if anyone dont like that, I suggest they better sit @ home or try to organize a Competition on their own and be the Champion (offcourse alone). :bleh:

About limiting speed @ XXXX (again)??? I say its not a Bike or CAR and "NO" it wont give a better milage if you limit the speeds. On a serious note, Why not push yourself and your "skills & optimizations" to reach for MAX with given hardware and then running a set of benchmarks [depending on organizers and with complying to rules] and not just "one" benchmark ;)

Also whats this about switching to new/diff chips and all... if you cant perform and prove on that day, you lose, simple. Its always has been about that "one" chance to perform better then others... and I have been to few OC compys to know that hardware behaves in its own way no matter who you are on that day?? Dats all for now...

BTW, when I said "same" hardware I meant MASKY SIR suggesting Intel G31 boards and other stuff :bleh:

The VARIATION is too much.

What kind of "skillz" will get you extra Mhz on a crappy CPU? Isn't the team-person who gets the lucky chip unfairly advantaged? Thats why they have requirements in F1 races, thats why they have the "quarter-mile" run.

To make any sense out of the actual skillz you can hone and develop (running Dry ice on a cpu container, and pushing 1.8v with $300 hardware is not SKILLZ on a $1200 CPU is not skillz.)

To validate my point: @ XS its almost assumed that in any event given a set of cards and a CPU with max Mhz limitations, he would score atleast 10% above anyone else. Yes, everyone got to the same clocks, but at the same exact clocks, he scored more?

Got it Har?
THL guys recently ran a good run with Dice. It was with a 65nm cpu.

Some random person buys a E8400, runs it ON AIR at 4.6Ghz, gets 9.9s score. So who has more skillz?

With the variations in the CPUs, its simply not fair to have random CPUs assigned to random teams. I am sure if you received the sad end of the deal, then you won't be too happy as well.

Try to think without a biased and f1- a1- WWE- WWF- etc- view.

Also, if u think what i am saying is out of worldly and stupid, refer to this thread: 32m SPi Low Clock Challenge - XtremeSystems Forums

Get a time with the lowest CPU clock possible? For example to get the lowest score > 12.0s, submit the lowest CPU clock.
KiD0M4N said:
If the CPUs were perfectly linear, yes, it would be a measure of "skill." But alas, they are not so.

Team A gets their CPU with skills to 4700Mhz on Dry ICE.

Team B gets their "not-so-capable" CPU to 4500Mhz on Dry ICE.

So Team A has more skills.

We switch CPUs :)

Team A gets their new CPU to 4400Mhz on Dry ICE.

Team B gets their new CPU to 4850Mhz on Dry ICE.

Whose the winner???

Like I said, don't reinvent the wheel... Harshal can help draw out the guidelines for the competition, using the same guidelines that Gigabyte and ASUS uses in selecting hardware for contestants. Can't be more fair than that man, I'm not sure what all the fuss is about... end of day, isn't it more about having fun and less about who wins? Having fun is like winning for some.

At such an event, I couldn't care less about who won than about the level of experience people will be exposed to in India "now". Keep in mind, this OC competition will be a first in India - big players will take note and maybe that will help advance things for the enthusiast community in future. I think that should be the sole focus, not complaining about what stepping team A or B got over your team.

Over and out, I'll be offline the next couple days.... hope a healthy discussion continues.
TheMask said:
LOL @ all the n00b talk. Did u guys know it takes a few hours to get the setup up n running even b4 u fire up the PC? Did u know it takes a few days of planning to get everything right? and painstaking amounts of time and patience to even get it started?
Sorry for coming in late, but what do you mean by noob talk??? do you know the limit of QX9650??? i said max OC to 2.4 Ghz, it was supposed to be a joke and you were not able to even catch that???

Just by witnessing record OC run doesnt make you the champ right??? and doesnt give you the right to say others noob.

anyways now i will get back to reading the whole thread.
I think Harshal is completely right here, what we need is more participation, that will happen only if the competition is limited to Air and on a standard set of hardware, ofcourse in all the competitions luck does plays a role as do skills.
damn i am thnk of get high end pc so no need for me :p
if there is any chennai oc champion in next future prof :lol:
RiO said:
Like I said, don't reinvent the wheel... Harshal can help draw out the guidelines for the competition, using the same guidelines that Gigabyte and ASUS uses in selecting hardware for contestants. Can't be more fair than that man, I'm not sure what all the fuss is about... end of day, isn't it more about having fun and less about who wins? Having fun is like winning for some.

At such an event, I couldn't care less about who won than about the level of experience people will be exposed to in India "now". Keep in mind, this OC competition will be a first in India - big players will take note and maybe that will help advance things for the enthusiast community in future. I think that should be the sole focus, not complaining about what stepping team A or B got over your team.

Over and out, I'll be offline the next couple days.... hope a healthy discussion continues.

Got over your team!!??? An example... again.

I guess, yes, if we don't keep any set limits, it will be definitely more fun... :) I am onboard with any rules anyways :) And glad that its based in Bangalore.... hope the big players take note :)
^^ You keep going back to unfair advantage thing... well I never think its dat as rules are clear and same type of hardware is provided to everyone. I already said dont feel its right sit @ home. But from what I can sense, you seem to take loosing way to seriously.. need to grow up now KIDO :D
For Dry-ICE, well yeah its not skillz @ all and dats why every enthusiast in India is on DICE since past 10-15years, right??? My point nobody has been stopped from getting the type of cooling they want ot the type of CHIP they want... it will be unfair if you were stopped from doing it.
MODS, sorry, my last post in DICE or other extreme cooling related method. Dont have time to make all of this kids understand. :p

EDIT: got a bit busy and hence a lil late reply! ;)
How hard will it be to get the same stepping? Its not that hard to get multiple CPUs of same batch and stepping. And 90% of the time same batch and stepping CPUs will reach relatively same oc levels if the ocer is knowledgeable enough.

Hell i can go to a local dealer and pickup 5 CPUs with exact same stepping and batch. Surely organizers can arrange this much.

And yes its little bit of luck, thats part of the game. I have seen plenty of teams suffer in events like this because of hardware failure and little worse chip but its part of the game, acceptable, happens and should be accepted by participants as well.
AFAIK, all get the same model chip and almost similar steppings.
All E6750 G0 or Q6600G0, especially those from the same 'shipment/batch/fresh unmixed stock', more or less behave similarly iirc- some golden chips allow for the same at lower vcore maybe. :ashamed:
But no 2 components can ever be alike and it's this 'unpredictability/insecurity/challenge to get it right at the first and only chance' where the fun begins imho- like that first date with someone new. ;)

I don't think anyone is gonna give someone 3000+ Winnie to some and venice to some at a compy or say Q6600 B3 to some and Q6600 G0 to some. :S
Its gonna be 65nm for all or 45nm for all- i think.
'Thinking/suggesting/doing' 65nm for some and 45nm for some is plain jack. :p

Ya, say for the 3000+(that is all i know:ashamed:), most might get the 0517 and there might be a chance that some end up with the DPMW or EPAW- but that's the luck of the draw.
I have never seen anyone comment- "Ohh- you hit 3G easily coz you had a DPMW. I would have done it too if i had that chip."
That's far from the truth as you know. :cool2:

There are some who haven't managed 2.7 or 2.8 while the same chip has done way better in capable hands.

Atleast it's not random like Practical exams in College- someone gets some silly tuning fork expt and someone gets that dreaded coeff. of temp thingie where the effort/alertness/time needed is way more.
(and most cheat by plotting the curve first and then marking the temps. :rofl:)
Or say some silly titration expt vs the dreaded Basic Radical identification test. ;)
Oh, i got both the dreaded ones but i had told everyone b4hand that considering my luck, i was sure to get those and i did. But i used to be a champ of sorts then. :p

I hope this doesn't come across as an argument but i am just posting some of my thoughts. :)
I maybe wrong and the Gurus are always welcome to correct me. :D
Hi all!

I am tryin to build new compooter...i want lots of graphix, full fast cpu and some ram also. to play latest games on big screen...should i go for pentium or athlon? please tlel me becuzz u guys wud knows lots.

<< Now that's a noob posting! :eek:hyeah: >> :ashamed:

This ought to be good fun. Lots of enthusiasts in one place and a LOT of 3DMarks going around. :) But I dint get what the OP meant exactly by "free gift", does that mean that every team gets the hardware they're gonna screw around free of cost? :S

Harshal said:
^^ You keep going back to unfair advantage thing... well I never think its dat as rules are clear and same type of hardware is provided to everyone. I already said dont feel its right sit @ home. But from what I can sense, you seem to take loosing way to seriously.. need to grow up now KIDO :D

For Dry-ICE, well yeah its not skillz @ all and dats why every enthusiast in India is on DICE since past 10-15years, right??? My point nobody has been stopped from getting the type of cooling they want ot the type of CHIP they want... it will be unfair if you were stopped from doing it.

MODS, sorry, my last post in DICE or other extreme cooling related method. Dont have time to make all of this kids understand. :p

EDIT: got a bit busy and hence a lil late reply! ;)

Thanks for reminding me to grow up and all, shows that you care. Hmm... but coming back on topic: is it a crime NOT TO GO TOE TO TOE with your opinion and GO GAGA at anything you say? I had a different opinion, and expressed it... NEVER said it had to be right, did I? However, you keep reminding me to grow up, refer to me as "kids"

Also, it seems you didn't read my POST earlier on. Can you reach 4.6G on 65nm without dry ice? Not too sure, but afterall i am a kid with no skillz sitting at home scared of loosing. But if you haven't, there you go, bring in the dry ice :)

All I did was express a opinion :) (and in this post, kinch your tang a bit!)
Funky said:
How hard will it be to get the same stepping? Its not that hard to get multiple CPUs of same batch and stepping. And 90% of the time same batch and stepping CPUs will reach relatively same oc levels if the ocer is knowledgeable enough.

Hell i can go to a local dealer and pickup 5 CPUs with exact same stepping and batch. Surely organizers can arrange this much.

And yes its little bit of luck, thats part of the game. I have seen plenty of teams suffer in events like this because of hardware failure and little worse chip but its part of the game, acceptable, happens and should be accepted by participants as well.

As we proceed towards extreme cooling, the CPU MUST cooperate. If we are given multiplier limited CPUs, wtf will we do if the CPU is FSB walled? Not much right?

I have purchased multiple exact stepping batches when setting up couple of quad workstations for work. Since the motherboards were decent I decided to overclock them with stock volts.

Stepping was L749Bxxxx (not exactly sure)

Because of different VIDs, the overclocks achieved ranged from 2.7Ghz (a 1.325Vid chip) to 3.4Ghz (stock cooler, stock volts) on the exact same stepping CPU.

How about that? I know, we cant possible ensure 100% fairness... but if it is gonna be for a no-limit race, then make the CPU pick totally random.

Thats all I am saying.
You can still get the bench run out of high VID chips. I know because i have managed to bench a 1.325 vid chip at 4.1G on air. Its quiet possible on decent board.

There will be no skill tested if a perfect setup is provided. And honestly i cant make sense of limiting the overclock. Let em go as high as they can. Whats the harm in that?

Limiting the clock and then telling them to get best score out of lot is simply not fair. As we all know even at same clocks most benchmarks fluctuate a bit. And at exact same speed the variations alone can tilt the results.

Rather let them go as high as they can with the given hardware and then we will see what happens.

FSB wall on almost all decent board out there today is over 500Mhz which is plenty for air and types of ram that will be made available here.

So last few mhz will be pure ocers skill in fiddling with timings and bios.