Car & Bike P220: Where in Mumbai ??

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Puhleease Puhleeease Puhleeeeease stay away from Pulsar's. The amount of silly niggles and problems that keep creeping up every now and then is extremely irritating. Go for whatever you want, like the RTR/ZMA-R, both being exceptionally great machine's in their own league. But IMHO stay away from anything that comes from a Bajaj stable. Quality and consistency has never been Bajaj's forte. If you can, then wait for the RTR-Fi that is supposed to be hitting the roads very soon. It's gonna be a helluva bike :ohyeah:
Private Ryan said:
Better get the P200 or the P180...they are amply powerful as well... and they will give u much better mileage even if tht doesnt matter to it for the environment's and the depleting oil reserve's sake..

My friend has the 220 and we travel to coll on it everyday.. It gives more mileage than a 200 and if driven well, more than a 180 ;)
Rajshah said:
Currently thinking of the following 3 models -

Apache RTR 160
Karizma R

I want a bike that would be a lil distinct... not the everyone has it kinds !!
No bike stays unique for long...:P Sooner or later u'll see them parked all around even if the P220 seems novelty now, it wont stay so for long..:P But since u want something distinct, stay away from the 150-160cc bikes...:P
If i were to rate these 3 bikes tht u have mentioned, the ZMA comes in 1st..agreed it isnt a novelty anymore, the instrumentation seems archaic compared to current breed of bikes and it doesnt offer the best mileage..but the ride quality, road holding, high speed rideability, fit and finish are top class..u can feel the quality once u perch atop it...and its the most comfortable of all the bikes listed here..imo, its the best touring bike made in india (barring the bullets..:P they are the real baaps, but they cater to a different audience)..Even after a day long trip, the Zma will not sprain ur back like the pulsar does after even a 1 hour ride..the seat is comfy yet firm for long distance rides.. Call me old fashioned, but i really dont like the digital speedo of pulsar..i'll trust the analog speedo anyday over the digital one...besides, there have been a lot of reports about pulsar's digital speedo giving absolutely wrong information about speed and fuel... And the Zma is reliable for sure... this'll be my only choice of the 3 listed here...
I rate HMSI (honda motorcycles) better than Hero Honda in the overall quality of bikes, but since HMSi doesnt have a 225 cc offering as of now, the next best choice is the Zma..:D
HH may not be the most forthcoming or enthusiastic about bringing new tech to their bikes like bajaj n TVS do, but we have to agree tht their bikes are rock solid and offer the best value for money in the long term....ppl dont trust them for nothing...and tht is the reason their bikes command the highest resale value in the market..;)
Bajaj and TVS have a long way to go before they can match the quality and the reliability of Honda motorcycles and Hero Honda..;)
Since I've ridden all the three bikes in questions, the 220 simply owns all in sheer performance but the RTR 160 has a much more controlled ride and CRAZY acceleration!

Also what's about the fuss that a new ZMA 350cc is releasing? :O
^watching Hero honda's business tactics thru the years, i guess, the next karizma will be more like a 250cc with Fuel injection thn an 350cc...:P the current karizma already gives an average of 35kmpl... going higher with cc for more power will also affect mileage further, unless they develop a completely new engine for the Zma...and though the targeted audience for karizma hardly cares for the mileage, i guess, any lower than this will affect its sales badly...:no:

Its not uncommon for the big bikes made in other developed parts of the world to give a mileage of 10-20kmpl...but the same in india wud be blasphemy...:P Has already happened to the brilliant Yamaha RD350 in the was then the most powerful bike ever made in india..but a mileage of 10-20 kmpl for all the 32 bhp it developed killed it in no time..:no:

And with rising fuel prices, the situation isnt getting any better for bigger bikes to come to india..:no:
God, I'd buy the bike if they had given it a complete fairing. Whats stopping companies from covering up the whole bike? Should cost only a few thousand extra and make the bike look 10x sexier.

The international 220 model has full fairing while we hindustanis have to make do with a half naked bike. No fair :(
^The problem is tht most indian bikes as of now are air cooled...and tht is not enuff to cool a hot engine in a tropical weather like ours. And then covering it all up and obstructing the air flow to the engine will only cause the engine to heat up more and may even lead to seizures. Its really bad for an air cooled engine in the long run...its pretty much similar to a CPU..the more it heats up, the sooner it'll die..:P

I've seen those custom mods done to the karizma, fully covering the engine area..No doubt it looks sexy, but it causes the engine to overheat by obstructing the air flow...HH itself advises customers against getting the engine area covered. One of my friends who has the Zma cudnt claim the warranty as he too had got the custom engine fairing..:no:
Private Ryan said:
^The problem is tht most indian bikes as of now are air cooled...and tht is not enuff to cool a hot engine in a tropical weather like ours. And then covering it all up and obstructing the air flow to the engine will only cause the engine to heat up more and may even lead to seizures. Its really bad for an air cooled engine in the long run...its pretty much similar to a CPU..the more it heats up, the sooner it'll die..:P
I've seen those custom mods done to the karizma, fully covering the engine area..No doubt it looks sexy, but it causes the engine to overheat by obstructing the air flow...HH itself advises customers against getting the engine area covered. One of my friends who has the Zma cudnt claim the warranty as he too had got the custom engine fairing..:no:

But the 220 being oil-cooled.. they could have easily given us the fully covered model !
Maybe they will just launch it as an upgrade a year down the line !!
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