I bought an item from ebay.com & it was shipped via International Post. Seller sent it via normal post & now the item has been stolen. It was an iPhone 4 accessory. I am sure seller has sent it because of his feedback.
So I think the thieves are either customs or Indian Post. I trust my post man, so it must be stolen while transporting it to my city or in customs. When I enquired at Post Office they told that it was sent via normal post & there is no way they can track it.
What shall I do ?
Have sent message to the seller, waiting for his response.
So I think the thieves are either customs or Indian Post. I trust my post man, so it must be stolen while transporting it to my city or in customs. When I enquired at Post Office they told that it was sent via normal post & there is no way they can track it.
What shall I do ?
Have sent message to the seller, waiting for his response.