Graphic Cards Palit HD4870 Sonic not showing Display

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pcgamer said:
Admins should post the VX450 vs CM600 & other PSU info thread on the registration page for newcomers to mandatorily read it before confirming registration

if someone want to blow their system soon, no one can help it

there is no one trying to say that CM is better than VX but the CM is not as much crap as the other User Muzu X2 is trying to say.. he is trying to tell the its 12V dual rail is only able to supply 18A at max on both.. :rofl: :rofl:

muzux2 said:
I know man, total system power consumption of that system won't go beyond 450W at peak loads, but is CM 600W providing enough output at such peak loads, particularly on 12V rail? Regarding SLi, yes it was & is SLi ready but for 7600/7800 series GPU when the PSU was launched in 2006..:rofl: Dare to run 2 x GTX 260/ 9800GTX on the same PSU..:hap5:
For 18A rail, you better read that guide, everything is written there..:)

well i agree with u that for 2 XGTX and 4870 X2 it will not be enough to handle and i also want to tell you that it is not so bad that it couldnt hold a single 4870 Card..
And regarding ur comment about 12v amperage. then how was the cheapo 450W of the user AmirX64 able to handle a 8800GT card which also need 32-36A on 12V line.. that will then according to you be able to supply 10A in total :) :S. its not 18Amp at max on both for that CM PSU.. U are wrong.
simulation3 said:
there is no one trying to say that CM is better than VX but the CM is not as much crap as the other User Muzu X2 is trying to say.. he is trying to tell the its 12V dual rail is only able to supply 18A at max on both..

I believe what he meant to say was that on a "single" 12v Rail it will only deliver 18A max. When combined, both 12V deliver 12v, but a single rail is limited to 18A. Whereas VX450 gives you 34A on single 12V rail, so that your component requiring more juice from given rail won't run out.

I'm no PSU expert myself, so PSU gurus please correct me if I'm wrong. I think Bikey needs to go through this thread and comment and put an end to PSU debate. We are sidelining the main topic here, that is the graphic card not working.

On that note... Muzux2, did he try using that card in another system? just curious since it's not mentioned if that's already tried. If that's not working then the card is definitely busted. In which case either the card was faulty or PSU screwed it.
^^ exactly, i mean to say you can't have 36A on single 12V1 rail, but 18A on single V1 rail..:)

@ simulation3

I've gut feeling that you are defending CM here..I never said CM EP 600W is crap, i said it is still good for low - mid range systems not high end..:)
we have discussed PSU in TE to its roots, still im unable to understand much of PSU myths..but i learn quite lot here, thanks to TE gurus..:)
muzux2 said:
The truth is that, CM EP 600W isn't giving you output of 600W at peak loads, it only gives 400-450W at peak loads as its efficiency is only 70%.. . furthermore, its dual rail with 18A on each rail i guess.. But, the fact is that its not outputting 36A on two rails which is recommended for HD4870 instead its only outputing 18A on two rails, too low to handle 4870..
don't shuffle the words then what do you mean by above.:no:

muzux2 said:
I've gut feeling that you are defending CM here..I never said CM EP 600W is crap, i said it is still good for low - mid range systems not high end..:)

I am not trying to defend any company here. Why i told these things is that u are only blaming PSU for the Kaput but there is a possibilty that the PSU is fine and the Card was faulty.. that is it.:)
^^ you are not getting my words, i can't help you..
yes, you are right, there is 50% chances either PSU or GC was faulty.. But Mr. amirx64 doesn't agree with it, he said only Palit/ATi is to be blamed..
Well, you tell me, if GC doesn't give display, does it mean only GPU is faulty? or some capacitors or other components on GC's PCB have defect?

@ Udit

There is only one DVI port on Palit Sonic addition and he tried it on other Pci-e but no luck..:(
muzux2 said:
yes, you are right, there is 50% chances either PSU or GC was faulty.. But Mr. amirx64 doesn't agree with it, he said only Palit/ATi is to be blamed..

Well, you tell me, if GC doesn't give display, does it mean only GPU is faulty? or some capacitors or other components on GC's PCB have defect?

Again... you're taking everything in literal manner, like simulation3 did for your comments.

It's clear that Mr. Amirx64 isn't very well versed with forum etiquette as he haven't been very clear in what he was saying or trying to portray. But many people call graphic card GPU just like many people still call computer cabinet a CPU. If you try to go after each and everyone based on literal message then god help you. :)

From what I understand... it's very much possible that Graphic Card is at fault here. User might have received a defective unit. But how is ATi to blame for it? For that matter even XFX card based on nVidia GPUs have faced DOA problems with some batches. You can't blame nVidia for that. It's poor unit manufacturing / shipping / packaging / component on PCB to blame, in short the card manufacturer to blame.

That's why I prefer to avoid temptation into buying lesser known brands graphic cards just because of low price, as it's one of the expensive as well as sensitive component in system. There are some names hailed as best in respective product line for a valid reasons, such as EVGA for nVidia or Sapphire for ATi... be it product quality or packaging or support system.
Lets keep the discussions away and try to solve his problem shall we? this has always been something what TE members are good at and some TE senior members dont like this forum to be used as some beer bashing contest. It goes without saying- forums are as good as the members. TechEnclave didnt earn their reputation overnight, we senior members worked pretty hard for it and the newbies need to respect by following the same ethics and way of doing things.

@ Forrest: Next time, when you make a post, make effort to put some facts- real ones. Its pretty obvious that a good card needs an equally good psu.


In the meanwhile....

# First do what Udit said- try the other pcie x16 slot.

# Get the card checked on a different system- either you got a bad lemon or the cm 600w extreme fried it. In any case if its not working, you will get a replacement.

# If you make a search on this forum about cm 600w, all the relevant info is mentioned. Further arguements will be redundant, useless and filled with frustration. See if you can make arrangements for a better psu.
muzux2 said:
^^ you are not getting my words, i can't help you..
yes, you are right, there is 50% chances either PSU or GC was faulty.. But Mr. amirx64 doesn't agree with it, he said only Palit/ATi is to be blamed..
Well, you tell me, if GC doesn't give display, does it mean only GPU is faulty? or some capacitors or other components on GC's PCB have defect?

@ Udit

There is only one DVI port on Palit Sonic addition and he tried it on other Pci-e but no luck..:(

:hap5: Yes, I agree that its palit the faulty one coz i installed my card on it and two additional HDD's on it Nothing happened to them. i even installed the MSi 3450 and my card and two additional HDD's Still PSU was good and giving better performance. :no:
iGo said:
That's why I prefer to avoid temptation into buying lesser known brands graphic cards just because of low price, as it's one of the expensive as well as sensitive component in system. There are some names hailed as best in respective product line for a valid reasons, such as EVGA for nVidia or Sapphire for ATi... be it product quality or packaging or support system.

+1 to you. :)

@AmirX64 and MuzuX2..

so what is ur status up till now for the card. have u RMA'd the card or u still testing for some luck.
simulation3 said:
+1 to you. :)

@AmirX64 and MuzuX2..

so what is ur status up till now for the card. have u RMA'd the card or u still testing for some luck.

:mad: i have send it to the dealer for the repair, and if by luck i will try to get the 216 core one.:mad:
muzux2 said:
^^ best of luck my dear friend..:) Try to get hold of eVGA one..:)
Thankx Man I will go 4 XFX or EVGA or it may b palit again coz i bought it from Palit enterprise they wont give me the cash back. I hope u understand
muzux2 said:
^^ lol yes, he joined yesterday..:)

but a CM Elite with CM Extreme Power 600W for that monstrous rig :S

you could have told him to buy a Antec A300/CM690 with a Corsair VX450/Corsair TX650
^^ i told him to get Corsair VX450W but he said we have CM Service center here in Srinagar, if anything goes wrong he can easily replace it..

lets see he's getting either Palit GTX 260 Core 216 which has high power consumption at peak loads than 4870.. or may be he will get same palit card. I'm quitetly & calmly watching the drama..Hope i might start this kinda thread soon again..:lol:
muzux2 said:
^^ i told him to get Corsair VX450W but he said we have CM Service center here in Srinagar, if anything goes wrong he can easily replace it..

lets see he's getting either Palit GTX 260 Core 216 which has high power consumption at peak loads than 4870.. or may be he will get same palit card. I'm quitetly & calmly watching the drama..Hope i might start this kinda thread soon again..:lol:

ok u say it consumes more power than ATI. then that shud get blown by the PSU. According to u. And I need not anyones help in buying COZ we people hav EXP of last 5 years :hap5:
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