I dont understand thy this thread is on feedback forums?
Since its an ebay matter, report it to ebay authorities. however IIRC ebay policy is seller should not contact the buyer directly. that may make things worse for either the seller or both.
what??? ebay policy??? that seller should not contact the buyer??? or what the seller gets banned for contacting the buyer telling him about his dispatched item????
I read that on an ooold rules list, some 3 years ago. thats why i said IIRC
I dealt a lot with foreign buyers, they never gave out their info. Always we contacted each other thru ebay, even when he had to send the tracking number.
Why you people making deals on eBay ?eBay paisapay system likes to give "paisa" not notes.
eBay is for buyers only selling with system like paisapay sucks.Many people already losted thousands of money.Just check eBay feedback community for crying sellers.
Also to all those claiming that on TE payment has to be made first... there is no rule like that here either. It is totally up to those involved in said trade on how they wanna go about things.