Paris Hilton no longer the "hotel heiress"

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Aces170 said:
Wonder what would be her claim to fame now

Since when was her claim to fame being a hotel heiress ? She is famous for being a rich wh0re. And because she is rich... she doesn't charge money for her home videos....
Who cares?

Shes still Rich and famous, and even without any of the Money from her dad, shell still earn enough to be stinking rich.

Its interesting how people love going on about Gals on TE. :lol:
Lol she always had that title hotel heiress, 20B heiress will sound lame, although will stink of money, and no if it wasnt for her money she wouldnt be anything, and she would actually charge for her services hehe

Just shows how totally irrelevant ppl become so goddamn famous...

But the point being, our stupid media will need to look for a new title now, as the hotel heiress will no longer work...
They wont need to look too far.

Ex-hotel heiress Paris Hilton releases another sex tape.

Ex-Hotel Heiress Paris Hilton today released another sex tape. Unlike the last one which was released without her knowledge, Miss Hilton claimed today that she may as well make some money off it and has released it officially. To cater to a wider audience and to the rural population of the southern States, she has also released it on VHS. The CD is priced at 200$, the DVD (with exclusive commentary by the ex-hotel heiress Hilton) at 300$. there are plans to release it in HD on Blu-Ray and HD DVD as well .
^^ Lol the un-imaginative folks hehe they never fail to surprise....

Ex-hotel heiress, what will her kids be known as "ex-hotel heiress jr...."
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