Part time jobs

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Hey guys, i wanted your help. Right now im free until college starts which is like almost three months away. After already two and a half months of holidays, thing are getting kind of monotonous( hard to believe but true :P). So i thought id take up a part time job to pass some time and also earn some extra cash in the process. So wanted your suggestions, any ideas on what i could do? Say for like 4-6 hours a day and the pay should be reasonable. So pour in your suggestions and if any of you bangalore guys know of anything please do let me know. Thanks a lot.
One of my friends got an offer to work in Pizza Hut on Brigade Road in the evening from 6-11. But he didnt take it up finally coz he would actually leave the place only by 2 or so after all the cleaning up.

You could think of a job like that. They pay really well....

And I dont have any contacts as such but there are people who are looking for guys for part time jobs. A few of my friends worked recently in 5-star hotels(WIndsor MAnor and Taj Westend to be particular) in the transport department or something.

Basically welcoming the foreign guests who usually arrive late at nights. They worked the whole night for 4 nights or so.

You need to find some contact who actually gets you the jobs... difficult to go looking for a jo on your own.

I have even heard of some guys who get you part time jobs as salesmen kinda jobs in malls.....
ya me too wanted to where to find such guys?? i wanted a part time job too but asking straight away at the particular store doesnt help!
if you want to earn Rs.20000 a month in part time, expereince and time are required, but it is possible without much qualification either, just PM me.
^^No thanks techboy.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone, ill look around. If anyone has any other ideas please do post.
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