In India its a general thing for CC to be garbage. Till now only had good exp. with Axis cc for banking rest all trash. But even for Axis or any bank, its a sheer pain to go through their ever confusing IVR shit system to actually keep redialing to understanding via which no. out of those 1-9 makes us speak directly with the cc person. The time lost in this crap is so much that by the time you might connect you are already bankrupt!SBI CARDS are good but the customer support is garbage. I can understand then giving hard time to the customers who want to cancel their cards. We wanted to update them address in the credit card. We could not get it done. Now the card is going to be deactivated tomorrow automatically since the card is now KYC non compliant.
Same goes for CC in other services as well hence no doubt even the renowned brands corsair asus etc. also has facepalm services here while globally they are known for timely resolutions.
Blame the Indian way of handling or doing things...sarkaari kamkaaz in everything..