My Paypal account is verified with Indian address
Today while buying something on ebay.com , in address list it showed aramex US address as linked with paypal
Opened paypal and check it out , the US aramex address was present in it .
Verified address is Indian address only but now US address is also present
It was not the first purchase on ebay .com where i have used aramex US address for shipping .
Does that mean i can use that US address as shipping address for ebay.com listing or any other purchased which insist that shipping will only be done only to paypal address .
If that is so how will he come to know which address to ship to or how can i change the shipping paypal address
i cannot change the verified Indian address that for sure
so has anybody else noticed this
US address being present on paypal address list verified with Indian address
My Paypal account is verified with Indian address
Today while buying something on ebay.com , in address list it showed aramex US address as linked with paypal
Opened paypal and check it out , the US aramex address was present in it .
Verified address is Indian address only but now US address is also present
It was not the first purchase on ebay .com where i have used aramex US address for shipping .
Does that mean i can use that US address as shipping address for ebay.com listing or any other purchased which insist that shipping will only be done only to paypal address .
If that is so how will he come to know which address to ship to or how can i change the shipping paypal address
i cannot change the verified Indian address that for sure
so has anybody else noticed this
US address being present on paypal address list verified with Indian address