I just realised a couple of days back there's no Beep sound while boot.
I can see all red white green led's boot sequence goes fine.
Clears Post boots normally everything works as expected it's just the normal 1 beep while boot is missing.
Don't know what happened.
What I've tried -
1. Changed in Bios - Fast boot enabled to disabled.
2. reset bios settings to default.
3. An update for bios was available so I updated to the latest.
4. Tried removing and swapping the rams in different slots
5. removed all sata drives and addon cards like Sound card and wifi card.
6. checked all the power connectors , all looks perfect no loose connections.
7. purchased and replaced the onboard tiny speaker.
lastly I removed everything, tried running minimal config Mobo + Cpu + Graphics card+ ram + nvme ssd.
don't know what to do now, though everything works fine.
I don't have any other MObo or PSU to check.
this is my config Ryzen 1600 + asus B350-f strix + hyperx 2400mhz 8GBx2 + 1050ti
Motherboard and CPU warranty expired 2 months back.
Psu is Corsair Rm650X in warranty.
please suggest something, so I can troubleshoot further.
I just realised a couple of days back there's no Beep sound while boot.
I can see all red white green led's boot sequence goes fine.
Clears Post boots normally everything works as expected it's just the normal 1 beep while boot is missing.
Don't know what happened.
What I've tried -
1. Changed in Bios - Fast boot enabled to disabled.
2. reset bios settings to default.
3. An update for bios was available so I updated to the latest.
4. Tried removing and swapping the rams in different slots
5. removed all sata drives and addon cards like Sound card and wifi card.
6. checked all the power connectors , all looks perfect no loose connections.
7. purchased and replaced the onboard tiny speaker.
lastly I removed everything, tried running minimal config Mobo + Cpu + Graphics card+ ram + nvme ssd.
don't know what to do now, though everything works fine.
I don't have any other MObo or PSU to check.
this is my config Ryzen 1600 + asus B350-f strix + hyperx 2400mhz 8GBx2 + 1050ti
Motherboard and CPU warranty expired 2 months back.
Psu is Corsair Rm650X in warranty.
please suggest something, so I can troubleshoot further.