90K+ PC buying advice US. Budget- ?2000 USD flexible

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The last time I assembled a PC was 2008, now 9 years, 2 kids later and doing something for work which not a lot of people do, the time has come to re-kindle my old love.
I switched to off the shelf branded machines for the past 9 years here in US. The most work that the computer does is looking at patient charts and imaging from home. I stopped gaming long ago an never picked it up and do not plan to do it seriously.
I have 2 monitors, a mechanical keyboard and a razor laser mouse.
I would like to build a machine because I want to. It will be on 24x7x365. All it will end up doing is looking at patient charts and imaging remotely.
It should look flamboyant.
Thanks in advance.
Budget -96K

CPU- AMD R5 1500 -16000,
MOBO- Asus Prime B350 Plus -8000,
CPU Cooler- Cooler Master Hyper 212X -3000,
RAM- Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB) 3000MHz -10000,
SMPS- Seasonic M12II 620w -6500,
Cabinet- Corsair SPEC-03 -4500,
HDD- WD Caviar Blue 1TB -3500,
SSD- Samsung 850 Evo 250GB -7000,
Monitor - LG 22MP68VQ-P 22" LED IPS -8500,
GPU - Sapphire RX580 8GB Nitro Plus -24500,
KB/Mouse - Cooler Master Octane Gaming Bundle -4500.

Total Cost -96,000.
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