PC Configuration for 35k max .. Help Needed.

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Hi Guys...

I'm looking to buy a new desktop for myself and I need help in deciding what would be the best rig for the kind of work I'll be doing. The main purpose I would use this PC for would be Gaming, HD movies, music, internet . Please also check whether the parts I've chosen are compatible with each other. would be buying system in couple of weeks or as soon as my configuration gets fixed. Really need your help. Thanks

Following is the questionnaire answered...

1 Q: What is your budget?
30k to 35k max

2. Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)

3. Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)

4. Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
1. AMD PHENOM II X4 ( 925 OR 945 )
2. MSI 785GM E51 or ( any compatible motherboard please suggest )
3. 2gb ddr3 memory as of now ( will upgrade 2gb in future)
4. 500gb harddrive segate
5. Monitor 22†( LG OR SAMSUNG SUGGEST)
6. Graphic card ( please suggest i am really confused interested in going for 256 bit any ati radeon or nvidia 9800 gt which ever is better would be connecting two monitors )
7. PSU please suugest don’t want to invest much in it which ever requierd to run my system and Gpu.
8. DVD Writer sony
9. Chasis ( cheapo one would be keeping underneath the cabinet so dont wanna invest much in it no looks requierd descent one is fine)

5. Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
2gb memory

6. Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
Mumbai ....( LAMINGTON ROAD ) please suggest good shops

7. Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
1. Not sure

8. Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
1. Gaming
2. Watching HD movies
3. surfing

9. Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.

10. Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
( Call of duty , Crysis , GTA , FIFA , NFS and types )

11. Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
nothing in mind

12. Q: Are you looking to overclock?
1. nopes may be latter on.

13. Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
1. Windows 7

PLEASE give me your configuration ( even if it differs a bit from mine fitting budget of 35k max. You can also suggest me your config what you think would be best for max 35k not above that. I have put Post in TE format. All techies pls help me. Would be waiting for your replies Thanks again.:)
AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE for 9.5k or 925 for 7.3k or Athlon II X4 630 for 5.5k

Gigabyte GA-MA785GMT-US2H : 5.5k

Corsair 2x2GB DDR3 1333MHz RAM : 6k approx or Trascend's for 5k-5.5k

Seagate 7200.12 500Gb HDD

Samsung 2233SW or Dell 2209W

Stick to onboard GPU for two weeks till nvidia releases it's Fermi lineup.

Corsair VX450W : 4k or Gigabyte superb 460W for 2.2k

Sony/samsung DVD burner

CoolerMaster Elite 334
thanks for the reply desibond but are the graphic card prises going to fall after nvidia fermi is launched or can u recommend any ati card in budget of 5k as well wats the cost for the monitor that you recommended.:)
AMD Phenom II X2 555BE(3.2Ghz, 2 cores, 6MB L3 Cache) 10500
MSI 785G-E53 (combo)
2GB 1333MHz Kingston DDRIII RAM 2975
500 GB WD Blue 2350
Benq G2020HD 6300
Sapphire HD5770 1GB GDDR5 9900
L.G. GH22NS30 /Samsung SH-S22F SATA DVD-Writer 1100
CM Elite 310 1550
Corsair VX450 3800
TOTAL ~ 38.4k:D
vishal1188 said:
thanks for the reply desibond but are the graphic card prises going to fall after nvidia fermi is launched or can u recommend any ati card in budget of 5k as well wats the cost for the monitor that you recommended.:)

it may not effect sub 10k cards but will effect the price of anything above 14k.

around 5k, you can check ATI HD5670 which is available for some 5.5k-6k

those 22" FullHD displays are at 8.5k-9k right now and also, a 5k card won't be able to power games at FullHD. You need atleast nvidia GTS 250 or ATI HD4850 (around 7k).
AMD Phenom II X2 555BE(3.2Ghz, 2 cores, 6MB L3 Cache) 10500
MSI 785G-E53 (combo)
2GB 1333MHz Kingston DDRIII RAM 2975
500 GB WD Blue 2350
Benq G2220HD 7700
Sapphire HD5770 1GB GDDR5 9900
L.G. GH22NS30 /Samsung SH-S22F SATA DVD-Writer 1100
CM Elite 310 1550
Gigabyte Superb 460 2200
TOTAL ~ 38.4k

5k GPU for a 22" monitor:no:
Yours is a gaming rig right? Invest more on the GPU. Slightly extend your budget and go for a HD5770. If on a very tight budget then consider getting a HD 4850 ~ 6.5k.
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yes my budget is tight dont wanna extend over 35k so would better go for 4850 and r u sure its aroound 6.5k in mumbai and also the psu Gigabyte Superb 460 2200
that u have recommended would it be enough for it ..because i dont wanna invest more in psu and chaisis..
Thanks TE
Finally Got my System Configured..

AMD PHENOM X2 550 BE & MSI 785G - E53 = 9800
CORSAIR 2GB 1333MHZ = 3100
ENTERAGE 450W GOLD3 = 1250
SONY DVD RW = 1050
BENQ G2220 = 7600
WD BLUE 500GB = 2250

Place Lamington Road.
ENTERAGE 450W GOLD3 = 1250
Everyone here insisted on a decent PSU still you went for an unknown brand for a HD4850.:S Pls exchange this for a Gigabyte Superb 460 ~ 2.2k (in PrimeABGB) ASAP.
will it would be a problem to my system i am concerned??? i just purchased that smps because it was exceeding my budget..please input your suggestion wheter it would be a serious problem to my system or no.
vishal1188 said:
will it would be a problem to my system i am concerned??? i just purchased that smps because it was exceeding my budget..please input your suggestion wheter it would be a serious problem to my system or no.

It's a common mistake Everyone does. A quality psi is as important as a good CPU. With hd4850 onboard, it's very imp to have good pau. Bettr go and exchange it with better psu. Not zebronics intex mercury iball shit. Gigabyte superb 460w should do good
The Enterage PSU i a quality one.... been using its 600Watts for 4 years now without any problems never needed replaced it & my system runs 20 hours a day... Although with that HD4850 you should have at least gotten 500 watts....

For those who don't know Enterage is a brand name of chieftec. check your PSU it'll be mentioned on the side somewhere.
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