PC Peripherals PC doesnt start/hangs up occassionaly - cmos battery issue ?

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hello guys, having a x2 3800, m2npv-vm. System fails to startup occassionaly (but mobo is powered) . When i disconnect/reconnect RAM/HDD/PSU (which i was doing so far) it starts working properly. And today when i disconnect/reconnected the PSU from the mobo power connector, the system started and stated CMOS checksum error and all the CMOS settings reverted to factory defaults!!!

And 3 weeks ago while working with MS-word pc displayed some parallel crooked lines and hungup. Upon restarting the HDD was not detected. So replaced this old HDD with a SATA HDD. But even today the system hungup while in windows and failed to start. And disconnecting/reconnect the PSU the pc started with CMOS checksum error.

Could it be a CMOS battery problem. Will a drained CMOS battery be responsible for system not starting up (i mean the mobo gets powered but no display). I even checked the monitor, Replaced my old hdd with new one since 2 or 3 times my old HDD dint get detected occassionaly .

The mobo is 2.9 yrs old so obviously only a month remaining for warranty. DOes it require RMA. plz help me guys very urgent
when i checked the CMOS battery with a multimeter, it shows only 2.86 volts. So this battery being a 3v one, has drained up it seems. Now i have replaced a new battery. Have to wait and see. But this bloody issue is intermittent. Will the ASUS bullshit service RMA this mobo ?. Even If it is proved that the mobo is faulty, how to prove it before ASUS guys ? Dont know what to do.

So guys are you sure that these symptoms are a sign of mobo failing ?.

Will a weak CMOS battery cause windows to hangup suddenly and display these parallel crooked lines lines ?
I would suggest you to clean the Mobo with Petrol or some kind of volatile substance thoroughly esp. in the CMOS area including the cell holder, let it completely dry put a new cell and try before sending it for RMA. Also check the jumper setting according to the manual.
Yes a weak CMOS battery could cause the problems you report. Ideally, you should have checked the battery while in the circuit but anyway since you have already replaced it, wait and see. My hunch is that your problem will be resolved.
Emil said:
Yes a weak CMOS battery could cause the problems you report. Ideally, you should have checked the battery while in the circuit but anyway since you have already replaced it, wait and see. My hunch is that your problem will be resolved.

So far there are no issues after changing the battery. But it has been only a day since the battery was changed. So will wait and see for some more time. But in case if i come across the same issues now , then it will be confirmed that this is a mobo issue and it will have to be replaced by ASUS.

In this case can anyone suggest a equalent board for this mobo ( as this mobo will not be available with Asus) ?

FYI this mobo has firewire, DVI, component video connector (that which comes with red, green and blue connector). In simple words it has everything except HDMI and eSATA..
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