PC Peripherals PC for 25K .PLz help !!

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Hello guys,
One of my friend needs to buy a PC for 25K - 30k .
The utility would general computing :no: .
He would load linux for sure .
No gaming .

Plz suggest a full rig ... !!

Thanks in advance !! :hap2:
I guess if he wants anything like that......and no gaming then he can buy any PC......any branded PC,......why not Try HCL EzBEE?
Athlon 64 2800+
MSI Mobo with the Ati chipset (forgot the model)
512MB DDR400 Hynix RAM
Combo Drive (Saves money)
80GB Barracuda SATA
And everything else...

anishcool posted 1.47 minutes later:

Ah, i was looking for that thread ;)
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