PC Peripherals PC for a friend

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Chaos said:
^^ I am talking abt the radeon xpress 200 board. It does have a 16X PCI-E slot but no 1x PCI-E slots. The neo4 platinum has all x16,x4,x1 i guess.

Yep but he mentions his friend wanna play all the games at 1024*768 and he also mentions he doesnt want a Gfx card :S :S

@nikhilesh SIS PCI cards have only 2mb Vrams and dont think they are available anymore. can get a Gf4 mx 4000 for 3k which aint worth it. So make a choice Nf4 ultra or Radeon Xpress 200
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Ok guys can you please give me the whole config so that i can just print it.(along with model numbers and stuff)??

Motherboard--->Please give me the EXACT model number and name of the MSI NF4 Ultra

Hard disk---->Which sata drive,max 4k(exact model no.)

Sound card--->audigy1(no need of audigy2)

Monitor---->should do 1024*768@85Hz,should be 17" (this is more than enough) max 6.5k
Give me the model numbers and component names of the whole config according to the info provided

Sorry for the rigourous activity im asking you guys to do!
Motherboard : Nforce 4 ultra = K8N Neo4-FI , K8N Neo4 Platinum
Radeon Xpress : MSI RS480M2 (Without onboard gfx) & RX480M2
You can't get an audigy1 card anymore. Audigy 2ZS and Live 24bit are the only two creative cards available in india!
Why not the A8N-E Ultra ? It is nf4 Ultra while the MSI Neo4-F is plain nf4 ! Even if the pricing is not-so comparable, I'd go with the A8N-E which I believe is about ~8.5K. In fact, if a couple of thousand bucks isn't gonna hurt the budget very much, I'd be tempted to go with the A8N-SLI over the Neo4 Platinum nf4 Ultra bcoz the 1T problem with the A8N-SLI will really hurt iff you have good RAM to match it.

BTW, Darky has shown some good OC-ing results with the A8N-E Ultra - no 1T issues !
Well, checked these prices just now....in Chennai

MSI-Neo4F: 10.5K
MSI Neo4 Platinum SLI: ~15K

Kinda high compared to up North, eh ! Hmm...may be that's one of the reasons why I'm partial to Asus here :).
Great guys!Thnaks for the great responses,am just going out to enquire about the stuff

@hardboy-No k8n because he wants a 939 sustem
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