Second that, I just kept on playing the game to uncover the plot, easily one of the best storylines ever in PC games...Shade said:The Longest Journey and it's continuum Dreamfall.
Sesar said:U also need to mention which genre u like, as fr games there are many.....
Diablo, Warcraft III, DeusEX1 (not 2), System Shock2, Undying, American Mcgee's Alice, Mafia, HL1&2
Neotheone said:Okay ppl.... I was busy lately and am really happy to see this overwhelming list of games.... although i had already played mafia max payne series...RTCW... Warcraft series.....yet i think i now have enough games for the summer....
i know it's a late response but I am into RTS, FPS and Role playing games.....although good Third person games like Max payne 1/2 have been in my fav list because of the storylines..... and yes i would like to try some survival horror games.....
tnx for all the replies....(and gimme some top survival horror titles plz..)
Kumar said:In RTSes there is one game with an awesome story line