CPU/Mobo PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Sector

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A Nobody.
URGENT : PC HANGS/WONT POWER ON/ONE OF HDD Makes a click noise when shutting down/One HDD reports a bad sector.

Need help please.

1. MY PC just hangs...just hangs during usage. nothing responds. even the num lock in KBB wont work. just like that.
Happens during evenings. the UPS makes some kinda noises during startup. Its a 600va. and my PSU is OCZ 700W.
And few times, when speakers are on, a thunder like sound comes and no sound from spks and PC hangs also. ?.

2. After the hangup, i turn UPS off and turns the PC on. it just starts for a sec and shuts down???.. it takes 3 or 4 times to turn PC on.

3. One of the HDD makes a sinlge audible click noise during shutdown.

4. One of the HDD reports a Bad sector in event viewer. and it didnt detect properly yesterday.

Any help??
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

Is the boot drive the one which had reported bad sectors ?

How many HDD do you have in all ?

Is the page file in the same HDD as the boot drive or another HDD?

These details may help the experienced members in giving the solution.

Is it possible to keep only 1 HDD which has the OS connected & remove other HDD & see if the problem persists ?
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

No. The OS HDD is fine. its on another HDD.

Page file is OS HDD itself.

Will do the last thing.

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the temps are

GPU : 60 C

Core 1 and Core 3 : 40~42.

The above is with cabby door open and only 2 HDD connected. else its closed and 4 HDD's.
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

My answer to your problem.

1. May be your OS is giving problem.Try installing a fresh copy and then check whether the problem still exist or not.

About the thunder sound,, Just disable front panel jack detection and this might help you.(I works for me!!)

Logic behind this(as my friend told me when i asked him)--> My headphones were placed before the speakers with both the jacs of headphone and mic connected to the pc.When i turned on my speakers, a thunder like sound comes from the sub-woofer.So, when i disabled it, the sound just vanish(as if it was any earthing problem which i suppose)

2.Can comment on UPS as i didn't have one.Never faced any problem like this.

3. I guess you have a Seagate HDD. These Seagate HDD are totally crap and make click sound after 6-7 months of using. Better option, buy WD. I've been using it from past 3 years and no noise problem at all.

4. Try to remove that Bad sector using DOS/Win98 or any third party tool. (Warning-->Data will be completely erased beyond the scope of recovery,so be careful and backup all your data).

It will repair the bad sector in your HDD and if it cant repair, it will fill it with logic 0.
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto


Thnx for the reply.

1. Will try the reinstall. high time it got a fresh copy.

2. I use a XFi Fatality pro with I/O drive. there is no front panel jack detection. and its not when turning on. During usage.

3. Its a WD 750GB.

4. BAcking up the data. will RMA it. :)
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

After 3 HDD's failed on me, I learnt - HDD Click - RMA it!
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

burning 750GB is a task.

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Few updates.

Just now it happened again. PC just froze. restarted it again. The PC started up with fans on and all.. but the power LED was not on.

Again restarted. it went upto windows loading screen and then again froze. this time power LED was on.

and no only 2 HDD's with no bad sectors were connected. PC cabby was open so no temp issues.
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

Any ideas for the above post folks
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

check for individual components if you have two rams try one ram at a time also check with a single HDD at a time(taht wont be possible if only one OS is installed). also try powering on your computer without a UPS because if a UPS baterry after ageing is known to underperform, laso may give low overall output voltage etc.
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto


The UPS does takes time to start and all...

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The PC gain freezes....

Any ideas folk?.

It sometimes freezes in the intel screen during startup...during windows loading...and maybe while watching movies. If the speakers are on then it makes a long, loud "keeee" noise.

I have connected direct to mains to eliminate the UPS. will update tmrw hw that goes

The PSU is ModXtream 700W. that was the last thing i added, and couple of HDD's. Does the PSU coz any issues if it doesnt get enough power?. any way to check?

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Folks an Update.

To check if its the UPS, I connected direct to mains. and till now no issues or hangups. yesterday it froze for 10 times.

The UPS i used is a WeP 600Va.

So any thghts?
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto


so... I have removed my old UPS and connected direct to mains. No issues or hanging or anything.

My APC 1KV was replaced 2 days ago and i have connected my PC to it. till 30 mts no issue.

30mts ago.it gave a BSOD and restarted. During last 2 restarts, it hanged before showing the intel screen and once during windows load screen. i connected again to mains. no issue.

what is going on?
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

Keep everything on stock. Also i am not sure but the ups is underpowering your system check without a ups for about a week and log the hangups occured during that time.
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

Its not with the UPS either.

In Mains also it freezed...

shows startup trouble..

hangs up in the windows load screen

or sometime before showing the intel screen

I never oc. Now its on mains
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

Then i suspect it may be the ram or the hard disk. Have you done memtest on your system. That should give you a better idea. Also with so many freezes i doubt you had formatted your windows on other disks of yours. Try them one by one then.
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

how do one use the memtest.

it only gave me a BIN file and a USB installer
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

install it on a blank USB drive.restart your pc and in boot menu set priority 1 to the usb drive so that computer boots from the usb drive.
Rest process is pretty easy. do it with all your memory modules to check if rams are at fault. if you get error message then check for individual rams.
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

Just ran a Memtest.

100% PASS.

but when to exit where i need to press ESC, the PC hanged up. :S
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

the problem seems your hard disk or the worst case motherboard.
to narrow down the problem just try running only the hard disk which has the OS installed. if the OS hard disk is ok then it wont freeze.
if still it freezes you have to check for another mother board i guess. but for that you should wait for others to confirm it.
on the side note if motherboard is in warranty it wont hurt if you give it for RMA. since the PC is current state is giving you more trouble might as well go for it.
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

Only OS HDD is connected and few externals. nothing else. but i remember it gave the issue without those externals.

when it was doing the memtest
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

folks any ideas...

issue still there.... :(
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