PC Hardware Startup (Investors and partners)

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Brutally Honest
NOTE: First of all this thread will NOT make you rich. So gold-diggers look somewhere else. Same goes for trolls. But if you are really enthusiastic about working hard, putting your heart and soul into your work, helping others make the right decision, have low-living expenditure, can live anywhere in India, don't expect an instant 5-6 figures income then you may continue reading. Genuine constructive posts are most welcome.

Hey guys, its me again.
I don't know how to explain this as its my first time actually writing it on this topic. I've been thinking what to do for my career. Sure I got a few jobs here and there but they couldn't satisfy that "burning desire" till one night when i finally realized that my passion was something else (I was actually aware of this long ago and always knew it at heart), something which is non-orthodox in my family and society looks down, dislikes and hates. I plan to start a PC hardware startup/business. And if you are wondering why this silly thing when there are lots already existing in India you will be wrong. But I cannot do it alone. I need some people to work with. Needless to say we'll have to invest some money on it and share the burden and expenditure. Because I actually tried to apply for some loans but they weren't accepted due to several reasons with the main two being: individual and need an existing trade. One of the reasons for this thread.
Please note that this thread was not created after a night of thinking. This has actually been in my mind for the last many years. I'm not looking to strike rich, I'm only trying to do what my heart tells me to.
I've also personally met many company heads in India and spoken to some others about this venture. I've also done a lot of studying on this subject. What I do know is this, the condition for it is ripe.
Of course I cannot share everything about my plans publicly. Genuinely interested members can PM me. We'll discuss it on phone/skype if I can come online.

The type of people I DON'T want:
1. Rich people who doesn't know about the value of money.
2. Arrogant, impatient, lazy
3. Expecting a huge salary
4. Not for people who likes to give up after a few hurdles
5. Anything and everything which can hamper/obstruct a start-up (google it)
6. Just to be clear, I'm not looking for people with bags of money. I'm not after the money.
The kind of people I need:
1. Hard working, patient, courageous to thread into unknown territories, willingness to interact with different groups of people from all walks of life
2. You should be an enthusiast computer user with clear understand and problem-solving knowledge. Duh!
3. All the essential software knowledge (preferably IT students). Specific requirements will be shared later personally
4. Non-alcoholic, non-smokers. Any form of tobacco, illegal drugs and hard drinks will be strictly prohibited. I don't smoke or drink so I expect my colleagues to co-operate with me.
5. Anything and everything a startup needs.
6. Willingness to invest and understand the risk is a plus. <3
Some things which you should expect:
1. There will be months of struggle. Never back down
2. You must learn to live cheaply. Say goodbye to living in comfort
3. When in Rome live like the Romans do
4. You might need to travel a lot
5. Business risk
6. Etc.

If you are genuinely concerned about helping out a brother and also interested in the same then please feel free to contact me.
I'll update this thread again when I can.

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4. Non-alcoholic, non-smokers. Any form of tobacco, illegal drugs and hard drinks will be strictly prohibited. I don't smoke or drink so I expect my colleagues to co-operate with me.

-- Hope you mean while in the office :rolleyes:
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aaisa lag raha hai that I'm looking at some marriage matrimony website profile hahahahaha

good luck with the venture, i seriously hope u find the sort of partners you are looking for. but just a word of advice, dont be so uptight with the things u need/want
you are here asking for help, both financially and physically but are expecting that person to abide by all of "your" rules. that's not done in a partnership ... unless u are the only one who is boss and are expecting people to work under you.

also what u have posted is a wrong way of doing a startup or a business. with being so uptight with ur post... u have potentially risked loosing some qualified people as they wont even bother working with such rules and regulations..
most people will look at that post and move along... what i do in my personal time is my business.. u should concentrate of your business plan rather then personal habits... as long as your work is being done the way u want it .. also i suggest coming up with the full investment if u don't want to bend some of your requirements. My best wishes to you.
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