CPU/Mobo PC Shutting down


Hello Guys,

My PC shut down as soon as I swith on/off any switch (except PC Switch) at my place.:mad:

All electrical fittings are new and perfet all is OK (perfect earthing) still I face such problem.

My vendor finally ask me to change SMPS. My question is

1) Will Replacement of SMPS solve my problem?

2) which SMPS will Good, Stable and Economical?

Please suggest me,:huh:

Thank You,
1. I guess perhaps a slight bit of noise is being passed through to your SMPS when you turn on/off your other switches? The EMI filter in your SMPS is normally supposed to take care of all this. Not sure about all this though :huh: Have you tried the system in another place - friend's house/dealer's house ?

2. As far as SMPS's go, I would definately recommend atleast a Powersafe! Not that great, but are definately a step above the local SMPS's you get. If your rig is a medium loaded one, you should be fine with a 400W Powersafe. Costs around 1.4K when I last heard :)
Crazy is partially correct.

Do you have one of those fancy electronic ceiling fan regulator in the room (i.e. same circuit) where the m/c is situated ??
if so replace it with another brand and try.

(This is from expirience. switching on /off the fan would reboot the m/c at the neighbour's place....took a while to pinpoint this strange but very logical phenomenon.....)
I think problem is solved as I ask my vendor to change old SMPS in place of new after it no such shut down experience in last 24 hrs. :hap2:

Yes some time fan regulator is culprit as I have experience with Maru Brand Elec. fan regulator i.e. when ever I make changes in speed of fan using same regulator, any open page on screen scroll ups and down :rofl:

Eddy can you please give me tel. number or mail address of any vendor in Bombay who offers PowerSafe SMPS.
switching on /off the fan would reboot the m/c at the neighbour's place....

Hmm.. interesting ! Would be a great prank! :devil:

Eddy can you please give me tel. number or mail address of any vendor in Bombay who offers PowerSafe SMPS.

If your current SMPS is working fine, then I guess you should stick with it. Whats your configuration like?

I found contact details on this page:

In future, if u want 2 avoid this kind happens again...............

Use any good line conditioner to prevent disturbance in the current.....