Personal Loan - Which are the best options atm

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I would need to take a personal loan as my salary for next 2-3 months will be held up after putting the paper.

What are the best options available atm. Which banks offer least interest and allow pre-closure
I am looking to close it down in 3 months or so, after I get the settlement.
Personal loans attract an interest rate of 14% P.A+ processing charges. Punjab national bank offers the lowest AFAIK.
If you have any FDs in any bank, speak to bank manager. They usually give about 80% of FD value as personal loan with 2% more interest rate than what your FD is getting.

If not approach a nationalized bank that you deal with.
Thanks guys :)

I have applied with Axis bank, where I hold a salary account. I got it @ 14% p.a (for HCL guys) with no preclosure charges.
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