Phenom X3 720 BE 4th core unlocked!

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madnav said:
y reducing HTT to 1GHz?
thats limit for HT1.0
kepp this chip closer to its rated HTT speed.
turn the 4th core off n try its limits.
then c how much it takes to be stable at 3.2GHz wid 3cores..
then match if it was same as what it took to run all 4 cores at 3.2GHz...gr8 if it matches...
Lol . You have to reduce HTT inorder to hit more OC.. Donno with PhenomII but with Phenom 1.8Ghz HTT one has to lower inorder to attain stable OC..
install VMware workstation 6.5 on your system.
create virtual machine inside and see if you can see all 4 cores in it.
that is only application where you can assign cores to seperate machines and see if you really have 4th core 100% working..... any congrats :)
ALl four cores working, thats for sure. the 3d mark vantage scores are way higher than the stock x3, around 2-3k points on cpu tests alone, so Dont think thats an issue. Anyway have benched at 3.4 stable, but will be using 3.2 on a 24/7 basis, will check again this afternoon if it will go to 3.5 on all 4.

3dmark vantage cpu score of 11,300 vs. stock x3 720 BE @2.8 of 7,200 and again stock 720BE @3.7 score is 10,100. SO not bad to hit 11.3k at 3.2 ghz....I am sticking with quad core for now. dont see a reason to move back to x3 specs.

@ H2O - mobo was 4.5k all inclusive....good deal if you ask me. only problem was NB overheating which was solved for 250 bucks...small 40X10 mm fan and 3m tape.
Congrats man!!
Man why is my chip not even able to handle ACC. If I set ACC to auto or All cores my system just wont boot. All fans starts rotating but no signal to monitor!!:(
Ok worked on the overclock a bit more, this is my final result as of now, dont know where the bottleneck is. Lowered the multi and upped the core, got my ram working at 940 Mhz, on stock 1.95 vantage scores have moved up to around 11,600 CPU. AM attaching a cpuz validation. Let me know if there is something wrong. The HT is running at around 1880 and the NB is running at 2115. Is this ok?

CPU-Z Validator 3.0
Ankurkh1 said:
Congrats man!!
Man why is my chip not even able to handle ACC. If I set ACC to auto or All cores my system just wont boot. All fans starts rotating but no signal to monitor!!:(

Read on a website that not every one is able to unlock the 4th core
it only works for some ppl ,
sri_k said:
good to see your 4th core unlocked...:) are you the first Te member to get 4th core unlocked?:ashamed:

i'm surprised to see darky sir giving suggestions for overclocking...:bleh:way to go..:hap2:

Well ,

i Am The force of Motivation To Darky Here :P
Ankurkh1 said:
Congrats man!!

Man why is my chip not even able to handle ACC. If I set ACC to auto or All cores my system just wont boot. All fans starts rotating but no signal to monitor!!:(

Its not about 4th core.. ACC should work irrespective of how many cores.. Try updating Mb bios :)

You cant do proper OC on AMD K10 with ACC disabled :P
Hey dark*, tried going tricore, with ACC off, but best I could manage with multi only was around 3.6Ghz, took the easier route and sitting at 3.4 on quad..
Went to 3.8 Mhz, but at 1.5V, temps under control, with load temps being under 45, but not stable for 24/7 use. The temps were about 5 degs higher than at 3.2 and also the V are too high, Prime lasted for about 30 minutes under this config. ANy ideas on how to get it stable??
Try getting 3.8 with a combination of both FSB and multiplier . ..Don't just bump Multiplier.

Your current system is 200 X 19 = 3800

Try 250 X 16 = 3800 Mhz

I am able to hit max of 262 FSB in Jetway so your's too can do 240 +
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Hey dark * this is the result, at as close to 3.8 that I can get, looks like I should ratehr stay at 3.2@4, or probably look at using fsb there...lets c how that works out. BTW this is the 3dmark score, as you had requested sometime back, but at 3.8 3 cores. This is about 2000 points of the 4 core @3.4

Dark Star said:
Its not about 4th core.. ACC should work irrespective of how many cores.. Try updating Mb bios :)

You cant do proper OC on AMD K10 with ACC disabled :P

I have the latest bios available at biostar site. I remember another member (most probably swift) faced similar problem with his Gigabyte 790GX board.

I posted this query at rebelsheaven forum and there people said as ACC is by default embedded in processor so may be that why we cannot switch it on from Bios. But even they were not sure.

P.S @Mav2000 I hope u dont mind dude as I am sort of hijacking u'r thread.
^ Thanks. :P

Say, what cooler are you using? Would the OCZ Vendatta 2 get on this? Not sure if Am2 coolers support Am3 by default.
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