Philips VTrack to Aid in Catching Movie Pirates

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Dark Star

Philips excited about its video watermarking technology.

Fighting piracy has become somewhat of an industry of its own in the last several years. At the forefront of everything stands Philips, a hardware manufacturing house that boasts some of the most widely supported technology anywhere. This week, Philips launches what it calls the VTrack, a visual-based watermarking technology that will help analysts and law enforcements trace back stolen or illegally distributed material.

The goal for Philips is to help publishers protect content that is played over PayTV. VTrack utilizes watermarking technology in an unobtrusive manner, allowing users to fully enjoy their movies but at the same time providing a mechanism for piracy tracing.

Andrew G. Setos, president of engineering at Fox Group, stated that his company as well as others was excited to hear that Philips had delivered a promising technology for broadcasters. "We are thrilled that Philips has entered the market with a session based, forensic watermark system. Forensic watermarks have already shown their merit in PayTV applications and help our premium content from unauthorized redistribution by counterfeiters and others," said Setos.
According to Philips, VTrack watermarks cannot be separated from the content or modified. Philips is very confident with VTrack, indicating that even after quality reduction, scaling, cropping or compression the watermark will still be intact.

Protecting video content is not new to Philips. The company last launched a controversial technology that it said will prevent TV watchers from skipping commercials. After an uproar by the online community, Philips responded by saying that the technology can be disabled or enabled by the consumer -- making the feature rather pointless to begin with.

News source: DAILYTECH
hmasalia said:
Damm u phillips

Wil not buy ur lights bulbs now.... grr...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

words straight from the :P

Dont worry dude, the underground wise guys are always a step ahead of all these companies. They know how to deal with such things..time and again..

Infact all these big companies earn from piracy as well..tht way they have total hold over the market..legitimate and illegitimate...

This recent theory surfaced recently after it was said tht Microsoft doesnt really mind piracy that much..sure they lose a lot of money because of it but they are more than happy to keep the underground market under their control in this way..since ppl have easy access to MS software, the market for Windows will never die. MS wudnt mind losing a few billions to keep the end user using its softwares. Had it been really strict with piracy, and introduced really effective counter measures, many wud have migrated to Linux by now.

And tht wud be a bigger this way, they have their customers...and the customers have their softwares!!

This is solely the biggest reason why Linux hasnt been able to capture a big chunk of the Asian market since 'ahem' MS stuff is so easily available.. Its all a big scam...!!

Well... we are really ahead of the westerners in this aspect..look, how long we've believed in the concept that software shud be even if it isnt, we make it free...:rofl: The Westerners have a lot of catchin up to do..:bleh:
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