PhysX is useless - John Carmack

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Co-creator of Wolfenstein, Doom and Doom 3, John Carmack, has put a firm boot into the face of Ageia’s PhysX chip, saying that ‘I am not a believer in dedicated PPUs.’

Carmack was interviewed by Boot Daily for a piece on Intel’s Core 2 QX6850 chip, where the godfather of the first person shooter genre said that that GPUs and multi-core CPUs will be able to do all the work needed for physics in future games.

‘Multiple CPU cores will be much more useful in general,’ said Carmack, ‘but when GPUs finally get reasonably fine grained context switching and scheduling, some tasks will work well there.’

We had high hopes for Ageia’s PhysX PPU (physics processing unit) when it was first announced, but over a year later the supporting games catalogue has managed to be even more disappointing than Doom 3. Unless you want (non-persistent) debris coming from explosions in Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter or a cloth flag and oil spills in CellFactor, then a PhysX card is pretty useless at the moment.

That said, it will be supported by the Unreal 3 engine, which could make a difference to the PhysX chip’s popularity if it adds something new to games based on the engine.

For more facts, please go to Carmack nails lid on PPU coffin

agree that carmack is a pure genius what he started is a genre today but just his word alone wont be enough to close the coffin. in future PPUs may be very helpful in particle based environments like Call of Juarez where the entire Water system is considered to be a particle system so with the advent of these PPUs and the advancement of them we might see a considerable performance and eye candy boost in games.
the fact is that very few gamers in india will buy a PPU since almost all of us go for a high end GPU and CPU it doesn't leave a chance for us to buy a PSU also that there are very few games that have advance physics which is required these PPU so,Agia physicsX is right now not a good option to go for
without Physx-card, the amount of Physics that are displayed in Crysis :S I wonder Physx-card at all have any future.

I think, it will come free with some games :rofl:
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