Storage Solutions Pin of a Hard disk broken....

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One of my frineds has a samsung hard disk.....While removing the IDE cable from the back of his disk one of the pins got stuck in the socket and completely came out.....
Is there any way to fix this problem.....?
you can solder it ... Please do it with how has good practice of soldering.
change pcb of hdd from another nonworking hdd.
if you have warranty the go service center.. If they refuse to take .. go consumer court.
Just give online complaint to Consumer Online Resources & Empowerment Centre and write service center refuse to take . This free of charge.
for warranty check
Warranty Validation
Above all 3 option I done very well for company.
first of all consumer court wont help..becoz its clearly mention on samsung warranty pin damages are not within warranty stuff........also changing pcb....willcost u as much as a new disc.......

i faced similar problem..and the guy refused to ake the disc...than i started weeping in front of him that i am a student and cant afford new disc..and my father will kill me and all.....he toldto meet me outside office...took 750 buks and gave me brand new disc..........he told he will giv that disctosamsung office and tell this damage occured at our service centre..........this stuff saved my 3k..for new disc.......
I got hdd by consumer court. (Consumer Online Resources & Empowerment Centre)
I can send my Correspondence.
Can send me where samsung mention "becoz its clearly mention on samsung warranty pin damages are not within warranty stuff" ?
2 I think you did not read proper regarding changing pcb.
Nonworking hdd cost nothing or 100-200 Rs.
nirali...i have been to samsung service centre ard 10 on there wall there is a diagram which clearly states whts in warranty and whts not.......

The warranty card is not duly filled and mailed back to the service centre for registration by the purchaser.
The completed warranty card is not presented to authorised personnel at the time of repair.
The product is not purchased from an Authorised SAMSUNG dealer.
The product is not used according to instructions given in the instruction manual.
Defects caused by improper use as determined by the company personnel.
Modification or alteration of any nature is made in the electrical circuitry/ or physical construction of the set.
Installation/ repair work is carried out by persons/agency other than authorised by the company.
Site (premises where the product is kept) conditions that do not confirm to the recommended operating conditions of the machine.
The original serial number is removed, obliterated or altered from the machine or cabinet.
Defects due to cause beyond control like lightning, abnormal voltage, acts of God or while in transit to service centre or purchaser's residence.
got this frm samsung

SAMSUNG's Digital World - Warranty Terms
pin damage mainly occurs due to abnormal vtg stuff.....and that was in my case...jus gooto service centreand verify that stuff

also points i have highlighted will go against your claim
Such kind of write at samsung service centre not valid as consumer low.
So I wins at list 5 time conumer court.
Welll... happened with me while i was working with a company.... We had 3 Brand new HDD's with pindamages... Thanks to a new noob who was at work... Anyways we contacted samsung and they charged like Rs 300 per HDD to change the PCB...
its not that hard to do... my hdd screwed up 2 times.
ok see if the pin is still inside you can use surgical forcep and pull it it'll get out and will work.

if the pin is completely out i suggest you to use a all copper small wire, now use some solder on the copper wire and cover it with molten solder metal. doing this will ensure it'll stay sturdy and also a good connectivity.
now simply insert it and use a wire to solder it to the pcb.

be careful while using it and put the datacable and from now onwards dont remove the datacable from the hdd instead do i from the mobo, this way the resoldered piece wont come out again.
there are other DIy ways too lemme know if u wanna know.

The Connector Could Be Replaced or the pin itself could be replaced ,I Do This Chip level repairs in my computer lab in chandigarh .Normally Cost is Rs :100~200 Bucks .

ohhh thks for the knowledge in short service centre guys take us for ride..........also thks for the information switch........
kindly do not do any type of physical alteration to the drives if it`s in-warranty only. requesting never fails, do it. service center people are also human beings.

well similar incident... A samsung hdd that i have has a slight broken ide connection on the hdd, just like a mm, in the corner of that plastic adapter. and the hdd died recently and Samsung is refusing to offer warranty coz there is physical damage on the disk :O

any comments? i dont want a dead HDD and no it cant be repaired, the head makes a crackling noise so its completly DOA
Hi Guys,
You Could Interst a similiar pin into the hdd connector if you take the logic board out from the media ,that is the easiest and solder in again,like this no need to replace whole connector

Mr. Amarbir.. thts a purely desi trick... which 1 should not try atleast at a consumer level so as to avoid any kind of data loss + warranty terms.... however.... if data is important... try googling internet is full of basic data recovery softwares.. still not workable get help of prof.... for which they are meant for... and get the drive reaplaced... thts it as simple as tht..

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