^dunno about that. Read on the gamespot forums it was canceled coz the Developer Vicarious Visions has no previous experience about PC ports, so they skipped on this. Reminds me of CoD 3
That is a sad excuse but still it is much better if the developers can port it themselves. Capcom asked Ubisoft to port DMC3, Onimusha 3 and RE4 and all of them were disasters. Capcom later ported SF4, DMC4 etc., and they are good ports.
there is nothing called pirate proofhyeah:
600 odd bucks looks good for the game. Why pay 200rs for the phony version when u can get new onw with jewel case & other goodies.:S
That is a sad excuse but still it is much better if the developers can port it themselves. Capcom asked Ubisoft to port DMC3, Onimusha 3 and RE4 and all of them were disasters. Capcom later ported SF4, DMC4 etc., and they are good ports.
And another sad news i found out. Dunno if it's true. Did not want to make an entire thread of it. there is no Marvel ultimate alliance 2 : Fusion for the PC at least not for now. Even gamespot has taken down the Fusion (PC) page.