Other Pixel 4a - eSIM only, dead screen. What can I do with it/get for it? (NOT A LISTING)

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(Just to be clear, this is not a listing. I have many questions, and I just want to know if I can salvage the phone/situation, if possible).

Jan 2021 bought Pixel 4a. The screen fell victim to OLED oxidization (a quite sad and ugly way to see such a loved phone go), and SIM card slot doesn't work so it's eSIM only. Here are my questions:

  • Can the screen be replaced? How much would it cost?
  • Is it worth it to make a "For Parts" listing in the Classifieds section? How much can I realistically quote/expect?
  • How do I get over the crippling emotional damage of losing the first phone I bought my Dad in such a manner?
  • Is the Moto G84 a good phone in its own right or should I file it under "rebound", break-up with it, and find someone better?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

screen replacement is in the 13-15k range. You can get a refurb unit for that price
I had a pixel 4a with a burnt mobo, friend had a 4a with a busted display, we were both quoted around 13-16k for replacements. We decided to combine the working parts of both phones into a single phone - and we did that at the authorized service center for a nominal fee
I got the Pixel 4A screen replaced for approx 5.8k by B2X in 2021.
B2X aren't listed under google support anymore, not sure what current prices are like.

we did that at the authorized service center for a nominal fee
Which service center was this?
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#4 - G84 is an ok phone on its own, but nowhere near the pixel 4A. Spec wise the 695 trumps the 732G, but as the owner of a poco x5 pro with the 695, in my experience the pixel is extremely optimized, and the other co phones with slightly better hardware will have worse performance in real life.
#4 - G84 is an ok phone on its own, but nowhere near the pixel 4A. Spec wise the 695 trumps the 732G, but as the owner of a poco x5 pro with the 695, in my experience the pixel is extremely optimized, and the other co phones with slightly better hardware will have worse performance in real life.
Thank you for your insight. My dad is not a power user at all so the inferior SoC will not be an issue.

That being said, no one rolled with the jokes... ;_;
Sorry man, there are newbies out there who demand they be taken seriously in matters such as this, and then complain/get sarcastic when you attempt to use humour to deal with such issues. In the interest of keeping the forum newbie friendly, one has to take everything seriously -_-
Sorry man, there are newbies out there who demand they be taken seriously in matters such as this, and then complain/get sarcastic when you attempt to use humour to deal with such issues. In the interest of keeping the forum newbie friendly, one has to take everything seriously -_-
Some people take life too seriously. If you're getting help then take the help and leave the rest.

(Although I do understand if it's only humour and no help. That's very annoying)
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