Graphic Cards Pixel Shader

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Hello Everyone.
I'm quite new to the whole tech thing and I'm aware there are a lot of giants out there on this site. And I need your help! :huh:
The thing is, I recently bought a new comp and only later did I realise that the motherboard has an AGP 8x slot. (Yes, I know, real bad deal, especially considering I wanted a gaming comp.)
Anyway, to cut a long story short, I now need an AGP graphics card that supports Pixel Shader v2.0. (Essentially, I want to be able play Hitman Blood money on my comp.) What do you guys recommend? Does such a thing even exist? I've heard of the the NVidia GeForce 7800GS, but that's too expensive. :ohyeah:
As for the rest of my specs: Windows XP SP2, 512MB RAM, 160GB HDD (Seagate SATA2) some local DVD Drive and an HP CD Writer (these two are leftovers from my old comp. The CD writer can only do a max of 8x :ohyeah:)
you may be able to get a 7600 series either the GS or the GT has an AGP version... else go for an asus 6600GT, should cost ya under 8K..
why I'm saying asus is the 6600GT's available today are the last from their bins... probably not as gr8 as the earlier ones IMO
Well, if you live in Mumbai and look around Lamington Road like a dog, then you can get 6600GTs easily for 7-8K, or you can get 6800XT (not recommended), or 6800GS for 13K, or 6800GT (very rare) for 14K. You can also get 7600GS AGP and 7600GT AGP (however, you will need to search a bit for those cards, and I'm not too sure about the GT).

I have a contact who was selling brand new 6800GTs for AGP. PM me if you are interested. :)
:) IT depot has the 6800ultra from xfx for 13806 plus taxes...Not sure if i is recommended or pricing is correct...u can check anyway...
Thanks everyone, but I'm even more confused now. :ohyeah:

And if it helps, I live in Delhi. Anyone know where I can get the above mentioned cards at a decent price (within Delhi)?

And while I'm at it; are the cards sold on Ebay reliable? They seem to go for cheaper than the normal price of most cards. :huh:
hey get your self the card from nehru place (it's in delhi ) ,you colud find it the shop called "Computer Empire " in meghdoot building his rate are good .Have a nice time :@
pixel shader 2.0 is also available in nvidia fx5200..

it is the cheapest card available today . and can support most games(only popular..)

also it is the best value for money if your budget is around 2k.

if your budget is more then, go for gforce 6600
@ajish65: One thing that u need to realize that if u wanna buy a new card, then you should buy one, which supports Shader Model 3.0 (SM3.0--> combination of Pixel Shader 3.0 & Vetex Shader 3.0 --> both are equally important)...

Games such as Crysis(to be released) and Far Cry do offer better graphics with these shaders (although a few ppl initially debated NVidia's argument...but finally even ATI acknowledged)...Most future games will require SM3.0 ..... Cards from Geforce 6 series like 6600, 6800 have SM3.0....but then FX5200 doesnt have it... Also a lot of Radeon cards didnt have look for it rather than PS2.0

I would suggest either the Geforce 7600GS or the Radeon X1600 Pro
hemant said:
pixel shader 2.0 is also available in nvidia fx5200..
it is the cheapest card available today . and can support most games(only popular..)

also it is the best value for money if your budget is around 2k.
if your budget is more then, go for gforce 6600

LMAO,a 5200 fux is 'value for money'.:rofl: Get a 7600GS, period.
Thank you everyone and rahul_cracker, I am aware of Computer Empire. That's where I bought my comp in the first place. :ohyeah: I agree with you. It's a wonderful place. Makes me wish i were a millionaire. I'd buy the whole shop. :cool2: So, anyone have any idea how much a 7600 GS would cost at Nehru Place? Thanks everyone for all your inputs. :hap5:
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