CPU/Mobo Plannin to buy a mobo need suggestions+comments


Hii there guys...

im currently running a P4 2.8HT setup on an Intel 915GAV mobo.. its been giving me trouble for sometime now.. refuses to boot occassionaly.. RAM wont work in some slots et al...

The thing is.. i have a budget of around 5.5k.. planning to buy a new mobo and a bit of DDR2 to go with it..

I saw on the XFX site that the 650i ultra board supports LGA775 Pentium processors.. does this mean that i will be able to run my current processor on it?

I basically need a decent mobo in that budget into which i wont have to a plugin a new proccy.. since i dont ahve the cash for the same right now.. ideally i would be buying a C2D sometime in nov/dec... so till then, the board should let me use my current processor..

From what ive seen on the net, the XFX650i seems like a great option..

Would be great if you guys could comment on this.. is the XFX650i the best there is in that budget? will it meet my requirement(support for P4)?? Are there any other good boards that i should consider which fall into this budget of approximately 5.5k??
since its a LGA 775 proccy, so most probably 650i would be able to support it without any problems. I think no need to look any further with the budget that you have, will support upto quads when you decide to upgrade.
^^ehh... ive seen that link.. jus want some confirmation whether a 775 preschott 2.8HT will work wid it..

@mihir DG33 is a microATX.. i would prefer a full ATX :)
The aBit P35 E is a better option... XFX 650i ultra board tho good has some flaws.. NO NB coolin... Exposed SB w/o HS... Gets hot wen o'clokd...

I'd my friend's board RMA'd once... 1 in every 5 boards're havin problems...
@gannu - warranty... ring a bell?

anyone know how good the Biostar TP35D2-A7 is? about a month back it was retailing for 5k.. seems good..
@mihir.. my bad... sorry abt that.. but i wanna evaluate all poss options.. would prefer to avoid intel as far as poss :) (coz o de 0 scope for ocing..)
Wat I'd suggest is you cud buy an AMD X2 4000+ and a decent Jetway 690G chipset Mobo or an MSI 690V chipset mobo for about 5.5-6K. Add 1GB DDR2 RAM for 1.5K and you have an absolutely fantastic near-future proof setup. This way you can also avoid spending on a processor in the near future.

The extra money can be easily raised by selling off your current Processor and mobo/RAM (if working).

I know this isnt wat u'r asking for but I suppose you cud consider this option as you'll be getting much better performance than ur P4 and it'll end up costing the same. Good luck.
GA-P35-DS3R = $129 on newegg, and from various forums, the price is in the range 8k-16.9k

GA-P35-DS3L = $99 on newegg, so if the same proportion is maintained, the range would be from 6.5k to 13k

I am also thinking of buying one of these and will be contacting gigabyte tomorrow, will let you know if i find anything, but i do not think that it would be any less than 6k

So i guess your options are the 650i or the Biostar TP35D2-A7
Did you get any updates from Gigabyte? I'm looking for an economical, but overclockable MB for the E2160. Going to try and push to about 2.4 Ghz. So no red stuff but still stable I guess. There is a MSI 945 for cheap but not sure how useful it might be for a gaming machine. I need to use a 7900 GTX on the MB and I don't think the 945 is the chipset for that.