Planning A Case Mod

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Hey guys.

See a lot of incase mods in this section but no hardcore case modding.

im sure their are a lot of you people out their who have done some excellent modding work and i request you to post it here for all of us to read and appreciate.

Anyway im planning a case mod soon.

i plan on using the new HAF X case.

i have a few ideas but i would appreciate all you guys helping me out as a ton of work will be done.

i will be using the items in my sig as the components of this build and might invest in a new GPU.

so please put in comments and let the creativity pour in

Thanks in Advance

moksh :)
yeah I have HAF 922.. Alot of times I have thought of Case modding but then again what can i get in bangalore? Any ideas and thoughts

Custom paints? wow but u got any ideas CM 650W SMPS can be enough i guess for all the LED effect. What say...My pal who did CASE modding is in CA now wish he was with me.. he bought cosmos recently

well , if you want to mod that PC you are gonna have to spend a bit ... mods aint cheap...also that PSU is it the cooler Master extreme power plus ?
well talking abt ur wife divorcing mom will kik me out of the house and will probably keep the comp if i spend more on it


cant help it

only 18

I'm also interested. Heres a small question regarding the paint... I would like to paint the inside of my tempest black or blue. What kinda paint must I look for?
blueren said:
I'm also interested. Heres a small question regarding the paint... I would like to paint the inside of my tempest black or blue. What kinda paint must I look for?
best thing and probably the easiest is to take the cabinet to a car sticker shop ... most of these guys got the materials and know of doing metal work you can get the work done nice and easy ... but if you want to do it urself ( which is what true modding is about) then you are looking at some primer and a good car paint .. check you tube there are some good videos of people painting the cabinet.
They Only thing which can last long is powder coating with MAT finish and thatz what i have on my HAF 922

I have been collecting some modding stuff and was planning to design a new case right from scrap but after my accident my right hand is unable to bear pressure and its not as good as it was before...

So if any of you guys need something I have lots of stuff(will click some pics of them). i.e. extra front panel USB Ports/Audio Ports(High Quality), Some transperent logos from Branded PC's(XPS and all that), MultiColour CD Drive Trays, and many such small small things...
If my hand gets better and I gets some time I will surely comeup with something unique. Have a lots of ideas in My mind.....

For rest of you all the best and happy Modding...
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