PC Peripherals Planning to buy Gigabyte 460W, Is this a good PSU ?

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dOm1naTOr said:
not modular, but a great one.

far better thn CX 400.

Far better how? In all probability it would internally be the same.

j1n M@tt said:
^^I think actually VX450 is a Seasonic S12II OEM

It is.

j1n M@tt said:
POV 550W Black Diamond is also a gud option in this price range. I think it is 2.8k at Lynx.

No one has any clue about the POVs OEM. Until thats been cleared out, I don't think I'd recommend the POV over the others.
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Yu, it can max out at 460w, and at anythin above 400~420W, it ill be overloading. Running a PSU under overloaded condition can reduce its life and may cause it to break down soon.

Never recommend CX 400 for those with estimated consumption or peak greater than 420W.
Yep, CX 400 maxed out at 480W in the hwsecrets review, so typically should be able to handle around 420-430 W
Tagan - 2 Yrs Warranty

harryneopotter said:
but TAGAN TG500 has only 1 year warranty, Confirmed from Tirupati, their official Distributer !!!!

No its not Modular

H@cKer said:
Get this Seasonic S12II 80+Bronze 380.Saw it at prime abgb recently and I think its modular(Cant remember correctly)
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