Playstation 3 finished model sampled and previewed

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size and shape do matter when it comes to consoles.

I hope its heavy because its early non retail sample.

With PS and PS2 a 10 year old kid could pick it up and go over to his friends to play.

A large heavy console = concern for parents.

If it looks good then its added bonus.

Lets wait and see. I have my concerns with PS3, both hardware and market wise.
I think the PS3 looks ugly, although I'm pretty much dissapointed with all the other console designs as well. With the PS3, I just don't like the bloated look. It does look a lot smaller when placed on it's side though.

When they release the slim PS3, that will be the moment to buy this thing.
whateve_r said:
At that moment PS4 might be announced, but even then it will be the console to get..

I was about to say that. By the time the slim releases (if it does....) Ps3 will be more than halfway past its prime. I wouldn't want to miss that.
i agree with funky. size and weight should definitely be a concern. i expected it to look a lot better as well :/
Params7 said:
By the time the slim releases (if it does....) Ps3 will be more than halfway past its prime

So being a gamer is about playing the latest games? Do games decrease in quality over time? I bought my PS2 slim last year(5 years after the PS2's release) and have had absolute fun playing games on it that would be considered dated. Of course, If you're all about graphics then that's another thing.
Well its new, Sony has tried to create something innovative and powerfull. We are Judging it now but Sony must have invested alot in getting a proper design that can fit the hardware in it.. Xbox360 would have been the same if they hadnt kept the Power Brick outside but sony decided to keep it in the console itself...

Ck we arent saying anything about the games, just pointing out that some time will have passed. Enjoying a game will be the same on both the consoles irrespective of the size.. Btw PS3 is next-gen console, by the time we have a slim PS3 the game devs will have exploited the cell power in every way possible and we will have the best looking games :)

Ten years for a console is a long time, lets see what future has installed for us gamers:)

akS !
Analyst Reports of PS3 Overheating

Share of Sony stock took a 2.75 percent tumble yesterday on account of dim expectations from analysts as well as a nasty report of overheating machine(s) at the Tokyo Game Show. Goldman Sachs downgraded Sony’s stock from “buy” to “neutral” because of PlayStation 3 release confusion as well as the poor sales performance of the PSP, according to the Associated Press.

Things got even more interesting after Macquarie Equities analyst David Gibson reported that PS3 units on display at TGS operated erratically and had to be repeatedly reset. "While the reason for this is unknown, we suspect it may be due to overheating as a result of enclosing the units and the high temperatures at the venue," Gibson wrote. "We are concerned that such a problem has occurred so close to full production and is clearly negative news for the company."

Sony spokeswoman Nanako Kato made several good points to defend the PlayStation 3’s behavior. Anyone who has seen what sort of environments consoles must endure during trade shows will know that ventilation is always in short supply – especially in a crowded area of sweaty, eager gamers.

"It's not a problem with the PlayStation 3 unit itself," Kato said. "For a normal player at home, there shouldn't be any problem." With 200 PS3 retail demo units housed in see-through kiosks, one shouldn’t be surprised to see heat issues. Still, this demonstrates under what strict conditions the PS3 must operate.

Another possible explanation for this supposed glitch is software related. Given that nearly all the software on display at the Tokyo Game Show were still in production, a crash-causing bug could very well be the culprit for the malfunction.

The real test for PlayStation 3 build quality will come this year as up to two million units will be sold across North America and Japan.


DailyTech - Analyst Reports of PS3 Overheating
Why are "analysts" saying about the overheating, crapping out issues ? I have seen about almost every site that had been to TGS and none of them bothered mentioning this, as a matter of fact Sony themselves said that Unfinished code running on incomplete machine in completely blocked kiosks with little air circulation might give certain problems..

tInfact the gamers/people who visited TGS said that the machine is quiet and very cool...The people at PSM3 also said the same thing when they got their "final" PS3 for testing from Sony...

Reply from SCEA for the ahem overheating issue from ahem the anal yst..

David Karraker, senior director of corporate communications with SCEA, responded to Next-Gen's inquiry regarding the TGS overheating accusations in Gibson's aforementioned report:

* Despite the report from Macquarie Securities implying that they had heard of reports of PS3's needing to be rebooted at TGS, SCEI are not aware of any instances of this occurring at TGS, nor have we received any reports from third parties to such effect.

* On the Press Day on Friday, andhroughout the weekend the PlayStation stand was inundated by specialist gaming media, the majority of whom would have noticed if there had been a general problem with console overheating.

* The environmental conditions at TGS conspire to test any electrical item. In the case of PS3, the combination of pre-production software, running on pre-production debug units, enclosed in demonstration units without ventilation, and surrounded by so many eager fans that on Saturday and Sunday it was almost impossible to move, are bound to prove a challenge.

* If indeed, there was the occasional unit that needed rebooting, it was due solely to the adverse environmental conditions within the Hall and not to any more general problem with PS3.

* PS3 does not suffer from an overheating problem.

ZzZ Sony had a brilliant show at TGS and they will also have another brilliant show on October 18, i just hope Sony does well and makes all the "console" lovers a good system to enjoy:)

akS !

P.S Sorry if i am sounding like a Fanboy, i am buying X360 soon lol..
Whateva said:
Ck we arent saying anything about the games, just pointing out that some time will have passed. Enjoying a game will be the same on both the consoles irrespective of the size

I never implied games will play differently on both consoles. I just think buying a console later makes a lot more sense.

I also read that article before about the PS3's overheating and investors losing interest in it as a direct result of that which is pretty ridiculous. Those things were running all day and in a tighly packed indoor exhibition. They were bound to run hot.
Ck Nish said:
So being a gamer is about playing the latest games? Do games decrease in quality over time? I bought my PS2 slim last year(5 years after the PS2's release) and have had absolute fun playing games on it that would be considered dated. Of course, If you're all about graphics then that's another thing.

Or if you like to go with the 'hype', which pretty much sums up the majority. I don't know about you, but playing a game in its prime and when its most celebrated is better than playing it when its outdated simply because you're with the masses and know what they're talking about.
...yeah, it is to some extent. :P Guy who just finished playing Super Mario Sunshine will recieve more attention than someone who's trying to get in after completing Super Mario 64.
I know gaming has evolved into a fad over the past couple of years but don't you find it rather sad that your gaming decisions and choices are not of your own self interest but rather dictated by the general populace? That you game not for your self satisfaction but rather to gain the appreciation of your peers?

Of course not that I'm implying you're a complete tool.:P Just that the opinions of other people features quite prominently in your thought process, that's all.
And when did I say my needs depend entirely on the 'general populace' ? I simply said its 'Fun' and 'exhilirating' to experience the thing you have the 'self interest' in when its being celebrated the most. Playing a game in its prime will prove insy-bitsy more fun when you know everyone's around you talking about the same. By the time the slim releases, Ps3 would be reaching his age and when you get on the internet 'Oh how great Mgs4 was' all you're going to get is 'Old'D' and 'Mgs5 Ftw'.

people can chose to go with the fashion and that doesn't primarily mean its fashion that leads them, its simply the 'fashion' the chose to lead, rather than miss it altogether, if you do want to look through fashions POV.

And I seriously think we're over-analyzing the whole situation now...
Sony Couldn't Afford PS3 Controller Rumble

The primary reasoning behind the decision, as Hirai explains, was money.

"The issue... is trying to isolate the vibration feature from the motion sensors," he said. "Is it technically feasible? Absolutely. But the balancing act that you need to do is to be able to present the controller to the consumer at an affordable price." Hirai went on to explain that if Sony had to develop the technology, that would have definitely bumped up the price of the controller "doing the consumer a huge disservice by coming up with a controller that is not affordable."

"We felt that ultimately, the vibration feature, which is a feedback feature, as compared to the motion sensing, which is an input functionality," he said. "When you compare the two, we decided that the input device or methodology is a lot more important than feedback, and that has been a strategic decision we've made."


SCEA's Hirai: Rumble Cut Because Of Cost news from
params7 said:
By the time the slim releases, Ps3 would be reaching his age and when you get on the internet 'Oh how great Mgs4 was' all you're going to get is 'Old'D' and 'Mgs5 Ftw'.

See? You did it again. Why is it not possible for a gamer to enjoy a game purely for reasons that don't involve what other people might think?

Also you're right. We're going too much into this thing.
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