PlayStation 3 Losers Need to Get a Life

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I can only hope that isn't sarcasm... because I'll sue if it is. I have exclusive rights to using it around here.:bleh:
aimed at all those who have bought the Ps3 (something which I am planning to do)

Dude, pay attention to the tense!

The article is aimed at those who have bought the PS3, not those who will buy it.

BTW, replying to obviously biased claims is a bad idea. Makes you look equally biased. Therefore, one should only respond to claims and views which have a semblance of respectability. Of course if you just want to have fun, that is different. That is why I always respond. All I want to do is have fun.
^^ Btw guys that priority air delivery really helped and there are a lot of ps3 being seen around than the fiasco that the launch was. Hopefully this will kill all of the price fixing that is going on at ebay.
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