Storage Solutions Pleasant experience with Western Digital RMA

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I had ordered a Western Digital 6400AAKS from a TE dealer (Amarbir). It arrived dead. I called the dealer immediately and asked him about shipping the dead drive back to him. He was like ... "Arrey, aapki bhi kharaab nikal gayi". He said a few more of his WD640AAKS drives had gone kaput as he had received complaints from others as well. He sounded helpful and advised me to get it RMAed in Delhi itself.

Well, I generated a RMA id from Western Digital's website (link for RMA) and waited for around 10 days for someone to come and pick up the drive.

I'll be honest, i was kinda pissed off at the whole DOA (dead on arrival) and rma hassle and in my heart I did rebuke myself for making this purchase online. But then, if I had to purchase it from a shop i would have had to go all the way to Nehru Place which is 30 km from my place and still there would have been no guarantee of getting the AAKS one.

The bad thing : Eventually the the drive was picked and 3-4 days later (yesterday) i received the replacement drive. The only thing in my mind while opening the packet was, it may not be AAKS. And I was right, they had sent me AACS one in return.

The good thing : I got a 750 gigger in return of the 640 one.

We all know that AAKS performs slightly better but AACS is the "green" one. So I thought hard for a moment and decided that getting 100+ gb more at the cost of AACS instead of AAKS is still a good thing for me because as such I wanted the drive for storage purpose only.

Bottomline.... It was a nice gesture on the part of WD and I thank them for it. After so many years, this is my first non-Seagate drive and there is a strong chance that my next drive is going to be WD as well :hap2:
Giving bigger capacity drives is a nice way of bribing unsatisfied customers.

still the replacement time is too much, 15 days without a PC.

last time i RMAed a Seagate, it took 4days:)
^^ it took them 35days to rma my 640AAKS...

finally i received WD7500AYPS yesterday..

its Green Power RE2 series..

average Read: 48.9MBps

Random Access: 16.2ms

CPU: 2%

Burst SPeed: 210.5MBps

The drive performance specs seem half as gud as AAKS...

dnt kno if i shud return this drive...
lol i realise now that the hdd model i got is being sold $50 more than other 750GB hdds at many e-stores..

so confirmed wid my local dealer abt da costs..

WD7500AA*S - 5600

WD7500AY*S - 8600


bt i still wonder y that much difference when performance is still inferior..
actually seagate ppl took in 3 weeks to replace a 40 gb portable drive plus the NP hassle in the seagate service center :( .
You are lucky I guess... I got the same 640GB AACS as replacement. I was expecting atleast an AAKS for the delay (21 days) :@
whats the point in getting a AACS when the AAKS comes DOA

The fact is you paid for the AAKS, u need to get AAKS as replacement. This is lame by WD to provide less performance drive as replacement when the customer purchased a high performance series drive

Dealer has to take responsibility to replace the same drive immediately if it arrives DOA
kooabs03 said:
You are lucky I guess... I got the same 640GB AACS as replacement. I was expecting atleast an AAKS for the delay (21 days) :@
u can totally ask for the replacement again for that reason..
just justify why u bought AAKS n also mention u pain more just for that performance leap...
they wont ask u any other clarification (i doubt if they would even ask y AAKS...)
since atalking about RMAs... once i had a very pleasant experience...or mayb due to ignorance of the staff at samsung service centre...

there used to be a period when i had to replace samsung 80gig ide for 3times in 6month...
the hdd wasin its last yr of warranty...
u unfortunately the model no i had was out of production...
so i received a later version of 80gig ide...wid 5yr waarty from the date of manufacture(generally 2-3months older than the date u receive) :ohyeah::rofl:

sold it as new n made my peace wid it :P
yeah its still under warranty..:hap2:
guess they never figured it out..
Gaurish said:
still the replacement time is too much, 15 days without a PC.

Naah, my pc was up and running fine, it was an extra disk that I had ordered :D

kooabs03 said:
You are lucky I guess... I got the same 640GB AACS as replacement. I was expecting atleast an AAKS for the delay (21 days) :@
He he yeah lucky me :P
If they don't have the a disk with same specs in stock, one can expect a bigger disk back from rma.

pcgamer said:
whats the point in getting a AACS when the AAKS comes DOA

The fact is you paid for the AAKS, u need to get AAKS as replacement. This is lame by WD to provide less performance drive as replacement when the customer purchased a high performance series drive

Dealer has to take responsibility to replace the same drive immediately if it arrives DOA

madnav said:
u can totally ask for the replacement again for that reason..
just justify why u bought AAKS n also mention u pain more just for that performance leap...
they wont ask u any other clarification (i doubt if they would even ask y AAKS...)
Originally I did go for AAKS specifically but it was a hasty decision since I needed the drive for storage purpose and not for runing OS so getting 100+ gb more is a good thing for me. Had I needed strictly "performance" oriented drive, i'd definitely have taken this issue with WD rma chaps.

The thing is, I already expected I may not get a AAKS back from rma as there have been a few bad batches lately. So in retrospection it was like what the hell, all I need is something to store my torrent downloads and the "green" AACS is actually better for 24x7 usage.

Now I guess I should sell off my Seagate 120 gigger (sata II) and get something larger :P
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