Please guys help nab this culprit and help my Sister

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Guys, my cousin sister is going through a very tough and bad patch since past 2 days. :(

She stays in PUNE city with her younger brother. She works from home--online business projects.

Wednesday late night she got a call from this BSNL cell. no. 9422824435 and the opp. guy was talking very rubbish and extremely dirty. He was asking for sexual pleasures and treated her as if she is a call girl. :angry: Moreover he was abusing her with all dirty languages and bad-words and what not. Even after refusing his call he kept calling again and again and repeating the same. He even asked her to meet him that very moment. And the way he described her daily living, it was a shock to all of us as if he was keeping a regular eye on her. WTF?:angry:
Never in our lifetime we ever heard anything such on a phone from a stranger.:annoyed:

Since then she has gone into depression.:( She never had or have any a/c on facebook or any other social media site. Also is very choosy when giving her no. to anybody. I know all of her friends too. which too are handful. She is very humble and helpful by nature and had no love affair or anything like this nor she ever hurt anybody. :)

I called some of my trustworthy friends who work in call centers or sales/mktg. dept. to dial the guy and retrieve his info, name and location but his cell remains switched off the whole day and only at night he operates the sim for 3-4 hrs.

I stay in Mumbai and hearing this shit I came to Pune. We havent informed their parents and families about this as they stay farway and will get very tensed and worried on hearing this matter. :scared14:

We thought maybe the guy had dialed a wrong no. and is guilty or afraid for the last night. But yesterday again the same thing repeated. I grabbed my sisters cell while she was talking with him and abused him more than how he behaved with her. He cut the call.

Immediately we went to Police station and explained them the matter. They registered our complaint under IPC section 507 and tried dialing that guys no but it was switched off. Police say that such calls are either made from stolen sim or sim registered on another persons name.
Also police told my sister to answer his call and agree to him to meet and we all will lay a trap & nab him.
At night he called again and was asking her to meet and during their conversation I immediately called the inspector from my cell and asked him to dial his no. Sister told that the guy said he was busy and so could not meet her and he hanged off.

--How I expect some help from our TE members:

  • What shall we do in this situation? Changing the no./sim isnt a option and its like running away so dont suggest it and police too agrees on this. Its like running from the situation rather than dealing and fighting it.
  • I sincerely request to all TE members, please if anyone of you or your family ,friends & relatives who work in BSNL can fetch me the details of the no. along with its last active location? We would be very grateful to you guys.:)
  • To whom can we approach/ contact more for instant action on this incident? We want this guys name and address so we can get a clue whether is he a Pune localite or an outsider. :)
  • Does anybodys family ,friends & relatives work in Police dept. on Senior level or in Cyber cell or Crime branch in Pune who can help us real good in this case?:)
  • We want to fight this incident and nab that a**h***:cursing: and give him the beating he will never forget ever.
  • And can any TE Pune member/ members meet us tomorrow or on coming Sunday to offer a helping hand and discuss on this issue to tackle further.:) If yes then pm me or reply here stating you are willing to meet and then we all can decide the meeting spot.
  • Any one can try his mentioned no. in any way to get his details.

This may happen with anybodys siblings, gf, friends, wife etc. TE seems to be my last online resort to seek help & I'm sure & very hopeful ,TE members will definitely act on this matter.:)
First step will be to make her feel comfortable by a measured response call from any of the family member.
Deride that SOB to whatever limit, but do make sure that you get the girl's confidence upto a level that she can muster enough courage IF he confronts her. (you never know if he is lurking nearby.)

Secondly, make sure to tell her absolutely not to leave home unescorted. With the way boys/men have been behaving, its a complete No for any girl in such a situation to go out without company. Try to make sure there are atleast 2 people along with her.. as its easy for prowlers to subdue/dodge one person. As they say.. 3 is company.

At the end of the day, it might just be a spurned suitor / call from a stolen sim with the aim to defame the sim owner.. but no harm in taking apt measures.
Good that atleast the cops are with you in this case. And I understand how disturbing it is for both you and especially your cousin. The best way is to talk in a manner as if she finally agrees to meet after his repeated request and keep a slot of meeting, in a manner where cops and you too are ready when he comes. Design a trap in a manner that he does not get a clue, let him think that he has succeeded, but plan before hand.

And when he comes, ahem ahem.... AMEN!

The solution is to not react in anger, but utilise this anger when you catch him ;). It may seem a task, but keep your calm, get your cousin to calm down and get some more family members involved (believe me, it will calm her down more easily). Hope the cops are good, else bribe them to use their authorities.

PS: Dude if you can knock him in three punches, you beat me... :P

Chill dude, we understand your concern and if possible will definitely harress the guy :D
I am not sure if the sim is stolen because reporting a lost sim immediately is the first step that any sim owner performs these days. It can be a sim registered on the basis of false address.

I would say take the copy of the police complaint and approach BSNL office to get the culprit's details.

The fact that he disconnected the phone when your cousin agreed to meet him means he suspects something. Hopefully he is a wimp and will quit but just to be safe keep the police posted, don't let your guard down and inform her parents and get the seniors in the family involved.
One way to nab this rat is to call him to a restaurant and trap him. book a table in a corner, and all the tables adjacent to the corner table be booked by plains clothes policemen and policewomen. in short if table A is where the girl will sit (together with a policewoman or some friends for safety), B is tables booked by police and | is wall, then this should be the situation.
| A B - - -|
| B B - - B|
| - - entrance |

Better keep an eye on her everyday path. Its possible the rat might be following her every move (first clue is he described her everyday routine), so someone new, unknown to him should be there following her to keep watch. That way, if that person is very observant, he might eventually find out in one location where there are very few people that, there are only three people constantly moving in one direction - viz, the girl, the rat following her and the person following the rat himself.
1) why is your cousin still using the same mobile number after all this. She should immediately change her number.
2) The person seems to be a localite so tracing that person will not be a problem.
3) Also don't worry he is most definitely not using a stolen sim.( or it would have been already blocked)
4) its also important to increase protection for your cousin and limit her movements. If the creep is keeping a watch on her, It would help if he would see her escorted at all times for the next 6 months or till he is caught by at least 2 people.
5) You need to talk to the local PSI and request him to resolve your problem. You can expect some kind of remuneration to be paid to them if you want guaranteed results (but the results that you will get will make your hands tingle with excitement).
6) The police can put pressure on BSNL authorities to trace the culprit via his mobile.
Nice to hear so much from you guys.

Today by GODs grace my sister didnt receive any of his calls. But its too early to react. May be he didnt got any time today or for some reasons he dint called. Or may be he is busy getting some other sim.

Sill I've installed no. blocking s'ware & call recorder in sisters cell to record the whole conversation when he calls.

Spacescreamer: Yes as for now I'm escorting her and is by her sides 24*7 so atleast she has my support and so she is bit stable but not completely out of the trauma yet.

pratzgh1 and 6pack: Thanks for plan I really appreciate it but the time he calls and asks to meet is after 12am at night where their arent any good family hotels open in Pune and if yes, then too only some late night bars in isolated places and their we cant risk with a girl between drunken people. It will attract more trouble rather than sorting this menace.

As for my anger, yes m saving it only to bash n bleed him at the best possible extreme levels when i do get him. Till then he may live a living life but then m gonna physically give him the beating of his life so bad that he wont even think of marrying a girl or even if he wishes to do so, he wont be able to!!! n I mean it. ;)

prabs: Not many idiotic people care for their so called stolen or lost sims unless its a postpaid ones. For eg: look at airtel itself, they have made a kachra of their own brand by tons of offers on new sim every now n then. And i've seen many college goers changing their nos./sims every 3 months just for airtel gang or friends sim and that too without deactivating their old sim which they simply throw away on roads or even give them for free to some so called needy son of b**ches.

bobmartinusa: Changing no. isnt a solution. He is surely either a stolen sim or one borrowed or given by somebody as i mentioned above in airtels eg. No idiot has such guts to abuse anybody from his own sim reg. on his name.
I dont know what exactly remuneration thing you are talking about but is that any fee to be paid as an extra to the police so as to make them trace that idiots in a better accurate manner? Shed clear light on this. I dont mind paying something extra to catch that jerk.

And lastly I dont know if police will really trace his no. via bsnl or do I need to force them to do so?
And so I have asked TE people to trace this no. if any of your known persons work in bsnl. It doesnt need to be in Maharashtra but any part of India will do.

Also I wont be able to stay in Pune past Sunday due to my job in Mumbai. So then again she will be left alone here. :(

I have police reg. complaint copy. So using it can I visit bsnl pune HO to get thats rats info? Will they entertain my complaint?

And as pratzgh1 said, do harass the guy anytime and the way you guys want. Spread his no. to your known bad guys/groups or whatever you can do with it. The rat is a marathi guy bt bash him in any language you guys speak.

I swear if he was from Mumbai, I bet either he would have been behind bars till now or recuperating in some hospital for lifelong life threatening ailment and injuries.
Also additionally get your sister a pepper / chilli spray and may be a small knife or something to keep in her purse all the time.

Edit: aquaticbullet beat me on pepper spray.

Has your cousin sister ever:

1. Used a company cab facility, where her number was given to the driver.
2. Used her cell for ordering food and given her number as contact.
3. Again given her number out for any services she availed. (Plumber, electrician, clothes ironing people, maid servants, cable connections).

It is usually these points where a number gets contaminated. You mentioned she is choosy in giving out her number, which is good. All should be. It is 99%, that one of the people from my list above is manipulating the calls. Or even calling himself. You said she stays with her brother, better to use that number as external, and change her number. Also keep a vigilance, and do the steps you have mentioned above.
Additionally to what asingh pointed, was this phone number taken recently ? May be it got leaked from the shop from where the SIM card was bought ? Or the last few times the phone was recharged from (incase she gets the recharges done offline).
My blood reaches boiling point when I hear of such cowards .
Tell the police why are they taking it so lightly ? . There are many cases where lax attitude has ended up in a disaster .
As for my anger, yes m saving it only to bash n bleed him at the best possible extreme levels when i do get him. Till then he may live a living life but then m gonna physically give him the beating of his life so bad that he wont even think of marrying a girl or even if he wishes to do so, he wont be able to!!! n I mean it. ;)
Good luck to you then, because if it was Delhi or one of the adjoining areas, the guy would probably have a country made pistol with him.
Probably as he is watching her closely, he might have come to know that some one is tracking/helping. So try to hide new people(You, your relatives). If he can sense something, he will never call and you will never be able to catch that b******D
Good luck to you then, because if it was Delhi or one of the adjoining areas, the guy would probably have a country made pistol with him.

Tamancha or desi katta ?

There is good chance that it will burst in his own hands while firing :lol:
I hope you get a hold of this guy & teach him a good lesson. The cops should be able to trace the approximate location based on the tower information recorded by BSNL I'm sure as also the IMEI number registering when he uses the phone if I'm not mistaken. So there has to be something they can do.
Guys from past 2 days he didnt called and now again he called twice but his no. is blacklisted in software we dint hear the cell ringing. But he may try calling from another no. is he keeps getting busy tone all the time.

raksrules: Her no is 3 yrs old and cannot be changed due to prof. reasons.

harry_houdini: Ya even I dont know what is police waiting for?

mach9: I guess either police have zero knowledge about this or they simply dont want to take this incident seriously.

And the police is doing nothing. What to do more? Now how shall i force the police to track the location?
Is the police waiting for something serious to happen?

Can i directly approach bsnl office with the FIR complaint copy of police? Will they help me directly?

Additionally, to whom shall i write? ACP/DGP?? Will they take this seriously

Also, did anyone of you tried dialing that no.?

If everything fails, shall I contact TOI and Pune mirror newspaper? How to ask them as I got no idea regards to it.
Can i directly approach bsnl office with the FIR complaint copy of police? Will they help me directly?

Additionally, to whom shall i write? ACP/DGP?? Will they take this seriously?

Yes. In fact please do both.

Most cellphone service providers actually insist for an FIR copy first before taking action against reported misuse of their network subscribers. So as you have already got an FIR registered, they should have no issues complying with your request for information on this miscreant.

If they don't act on it, simply tell them you will pursue legal options in order to get them to comply. (I suggest you also consult a legal expert offline to explore additional options on this entire issue. The expert should preferably be a practicing Criminal Law expert)

Nothing stops you from approaching any ACP/DCP as the need may be. If they act idiotic, you only drop the rhetorical question - what if it was your daughter/neice/sister etc being harassed? - might sound corny but should get the desired effect.
I am watching Crime Patrol regularly on Sony TV and almost in 90% of episodes the culprit or victim is traced using its mobile last location or getting the address from service provider and it is done by the Police itself. Police can do such kind of access as they have the power. Discuss with the Zone Sr Police office or meet the ACP/DCP they will surely help you.
Don't try this just warn the Police that you are going to take the media help and publish what is happening and how Police is not responding.
Actually the OP himself answered the question as to why the police are not doing anything. This is India, Lots of sex starved perverts are there.. and lots of girls are harassed like this. Wives, Daughters, Sisters. Sad but true. Police may get hundreds of complaints. Like your sister, they also have red blooded brothers, husbands, cousins etc.

But Indian police doesn't have the man power, resources, or sheer desire to attend to all of em. It depends on various factors. So most cases they wait for escalation or if the complaint is from real connected people. And yeas, they will only act until its too late.

This may be a rude/sad reply. But its the truth. I am also helpless that I cant say anything constructive. But tell ur sis to be careful. Extra careful. And try to catch the guy on ur own.
But also remember, u guys have a normal life also. That prick may not. So dont do anything stupid like what u have typed earlier. Coz Our rules are really weird. U need passports, visa's, job interviews and all to go well. A Criminal case record may not be a good idea. :( :( :(

All i can say is, May God give u the strength and wisdom to tackle this properly.
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